Reviews for Nothing to Lose
Guest chapter 3 . 5/17/2015
Thank you for updating! I was worried that you had stopped this story. Zig and Maya are just so cute together!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/3/2015
This is great! Please update soon.
Rose chapter 2 . 1/27/2015
I LOVED it! You should totally finish it! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Islanda chapter 2 . 1/13/2015
This is so fluffy, I love it so much! I really want a cherry hot chocolate now ahaha :) I don't know how long this train ride lasts for but I'm excited to see how things go afterwards!

Thanks again for the shoutout :D
Guest chapter 2 . 1/12/2015
I love how flirty they are! This is really good.
Islanda chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
I love this so far! Zig and Maya are both so in character here and it's awesome! The flirtation going on already is so sweet and I can't wait to see more of this story :) The train ride will definitely be interesting ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Awww. Love this so far! Please continue.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Please continue with this story it's really really good and funny i love for a first story it's amazing and good again please continue it! :)
DegrassiIsMyLife123 chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Ahhh, this is so good! Omg, I was literally "aww"ing the entire time. But I have to say I'm a tad bit confused. Are they older now, I'm guessing? And Maya just doesn't notice that it's Zig? GAH, you need to update this!