Reviews for The World is a Thing of Shreds
waitingforAslan chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
I really enjoyed your story. Your "it didn't take a lot of fine motor movements to smite things" made me smile right away as did so many other lines, like "Dean realized the error of his ways." This interchange - "'I hate you both' . . . 'I do not believe that' . . . 'It's a figure of speech. . . Gimme my whiskey back'" - was funny as was turning "fork" into a verb. You mixed humor with the painful truth of their reality and with Cas's concern quite effectively. The brothers snarking at each other was convincing. I like this Cas, still confused about humanity but no longer distant, cold, and unemotional like he first appeared, instead concerned and compassionate. I'm glad he offered Dean comfort; I think Dean yearns for that but pretends he doesn't. I like when authors include details from episodes of the show, like Dean humming Metallica (like in Phantom Traveler) or details that give depth and background beyond the scene of the story itself, like Dean remembering his dad teaching him to do stitches and him teaching Sam. And your ending made the story have deeper meaning. "Of flesh knitting together from shreds" was a powerful phrase.
deletes chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
Awww! That was so utterly adorable, eee. You really do justice to the characters with these gorgeous short pieces. I loved the mix of humour and tenderness, especially all Dean and Cas's interactions. xxx