Reviews for Message In The Rainbow
Guest chapter 5 . 7/11
Wooow this is amazing!
Shyblueeyes chapter 26 . 6/13
It’s during these difficult times that we are lucky to have your work to enjoy. Hope you write more because you kept L/J in character and I felt as if this could be an episode . Thanks to you
Mera chapter 26 . 6/3
I am so happy that you completed your story. Absolutely loved it. I read it twice now and the second time was as good as the first time with the changing of the plot, typical Jane stunts... Loved it. Not sure how you got your ideas but compared to other stories this story was complex, going in different direction then I thought... quite impressive. Hopefully there will be others.
BS chapter 26 . 5/19
Great story, thank you for sharing it.
MaggieMay19 chapter 26 . 5/13
Thank you for finishing your story! I just binged on it over the last couple of days. I enjoyed your plot lines and plot twists very much, horrible bad guys and our heroes triumphant against the odds. Your characterizations and dialogue were good, I think you said early on that you wanted it to be like an episode: I think you achieved your goal very well. Again, thanks for writing and not giving up on this fic.
Miniminichen chapter 26 . 5/13
Congrats on finishing the story and thank you for the wonderful ending, I was like "awww I know that conversation!". It was great to see moments of the canon embedded in your story and I really prefer yours cause Michelle is still alive. Thanks for sharing your writing with us, it was a really delightful read. :)
ReadingVoraciously chapter 26 . 5/11
Intertwining past memorable moments, but with your creative twist, and including beloved characters was a brilliant way to conclude this enjoyable story! Excellent choice of a new career path for our favorite couple. Thanks for completing this well written story, and best wishes on your writing career.
LouiseKurylo chapter 26 . 5/10
Nicely tied up with a bow (and continuing detective/law-enforcement work and family). Very clever reference to Jane's canon bee-keeping suggestion, creating just a moment wondering whether they really had gone that route. Thank you for the intricate story and for finishing it. Best wishes for your ambitions to be a (paid) author.
ANA chapter 26 . 5/10
Gracias por finalizarlo.
Martarafa chapter 26 . 5/10
Thank you very much for continue writing this story.
I'm looking forward to reading it again from the beginning.
Best wishes to you and yours in these hard times.
Sorry for my English
Munkeyfump20 chapter 26 . 5/10
Thanks as always for the very good read. I have red all the Mentalist stories and I remember this one. I'm glad that you have found a chance to finish your story and also thanks for thinking of me. I hope we will be hearing from you again with another one of your stories that you may have not finished yet and will grace me with the finished article. I will keep this one tagged so I can go back to rereading it all again.
White Orchids DE chapter 26 . 5/9
I'm glad you decided to finish the story. I really liked to read it and was kind of sad that it didn't had a Real ending.
I really like how you included some of the original dialog in a slightly modified form.
Thank you for this great story! (And for continuing)
nitro9 chapter 26 . 5/9
So excited to see this complete! A great wrap up. Lovely to see the whole team decompressing after a tough case. And a very nice touch with Jane fixing a hard memory for Lisbon AND a cameo with a beekeeping suit. Go celebrate, (or whatever the equivalent is during this crazy time), YOU FINISHED IT!
Guest chapter 25 . 4/15
I take it! And love it!
Fucktheroles chapter 25 . 10/29/2019
Hey! I have just read your story and wanted to tell you that it was a breathtaking experience! You are a hell of a writer and a psychologist (as you’re so good at describing human emotions and feelings). I enjoyed it so much - all the characters and the plot itself... I even enjoyed all the sleepless nights when I couldn’t get my eyes off the computer without reading ANOTHER chapter from you! Thank you so so much! I hope one day I’ll hear from you again!
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