Reviews for Twilight Twists
Professor of Gallifrey chapter 17 . 9/26/2018
Zant and those kittens lol another great story. I especially loved how you handled lexi's departure. Well done
xGrace316x chapter 5 . 5/3/2018
Zelda must have gone through a lot as a kid. You didn't give too much away and you did good on the backstory.
xGrace316x chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
I have a feeling it's gonna be funny. And enjoyable too. I just wrote a story about Zelda being the hero. Do you want to check mine out?
Laelaloo chapter 1 . 3/4/2018
Wow, so I don't know where else to write this comment... ;

So I've read some of Skyward swaps, (also the GhiraZel-ish spinoff), and a decent amount of Twilight Twists, and I just wanted to say you're an incredibly amusing writer! The way you write the characters has been pretty damn good, your writing itself is actually really nice, and goes along pretty quickly-and smoothly! The drama, and the backstories, and such are absolutely fantastic! I also like the way that you made an in-universe reason for Fi-and Midna-to be the villains! That specifically is just really, really well done! And to top it all off, your comedy is just ON POINT, my friend!

I just lost it at the one crazy chapter in Twilight Twists-where you died, and the fanservice happened and such? the epic battle and intense partying? yeah, I just... laughed for at LEAST five minutes at every interval, I SWEAR. That was just fabulous!

I may not be an avid reader of your fics, but I do enjoy them quite a bit! I'll probably finish them both some time, and may read the Oot and HW ones too!

(also, thank you so much for actually writing fics with decent interactions between Zelda and the original villains! Personally, I'm a bit crazy with the Zelda ships! ; and ship fics with villains x ANYONE TEND to be, uh, not very pleasant. I know this isn't a ship fic or anything but again, I really appreciate the positive interaction at all! Thank you so much for posting this magnificent work! I really hope you have an amazing day~~)
Verteller chapter 11 . 9/8/2017
I'll be honest, I was kinda hoping Ghirahim would make a temporary appearance (even if it was noncanon to the fic) in the temple of time, due to the whole "in the past" thing. Then again, I suppose the temple wouldn't be that far into the past.
SunShark chapter 14 . 1/19/2017
While this is a nice story, I think skyward swap was better in terms of characterization and character relations. Even at this point, I'm not really getting Zant's angle or how he's relating to Zelda. Still nice though.
Elizabeth chapter 9 . 8/2/2016
I laughed so hard that I nearly tell of my bed ( which is the top bunk of a bunk bed so yeah) I love this fanfic! It's so great!
The Unplanner chapter 17 . 8/6/2015
Did you know that when knights get "dubbed", the last step is for the King to punch them in the face? If the squire falls over when his big, fat, old King punches him, or if he strikes back against his sovreign, he isn't fit to be a knight after all. I say "him," because not only were female knights illegal and unheard of, you weren't allowed to be a left-handed knight in the Middle Ages, either. It was actually practical, since going up a certain direction of spiral staircase makes it harder to fight with your right hand, giving the edge in a siege to the defenders.

I should probably mention that you managed to use the correct form of "reign" versus "reins" in every case in this chapter and the one before! You've come a long way from your typo-riddled beginnings.

I'm looking forward to after dinner, when I start reading Hyrule Warriors Warped!
The Unplanner chapter 15 . 8/6/2015
Only 98%? Well, I suppose Kaiju Zant under the Fused Shadow's influence was WAY more Zant than we could have now that Ganondorf's going to break the thing.

Excellent work so far, though I kind of would have liked to see your take on that scene where the Hero falls into a trap and the Resistance group saves the day in the canon game (right before the Boss Key).

You should have a list or collection of things to do to Armogohma after breaking its outer carapace. Call it "One Minute Later". I'm sure the list could be really long. It would make a good creativity exercise, even if it's not really relevant and wouldn't follow the rules of Fanfiction dot net, so you couldn't post it here... Maybe it would be okay to do something like that as an epilogue, just one chapter after the end of the story?
The Unplanner chapter 14 . 8/6/2015
Do your thing with Daphne and Ariadne in Hyrule Warriors! We need more minor characters who actually fight back against Hyrule's fate! Hyrule Warriors itself is an excellent example of people who aren't Link or Zelda (or usually just Link) fighting against the Dark Power and winning.

Speaking of the Dark Power mentioned in Hyrule Warriors (with the Capital Letters indicating the name of a proper noun), I imagine that's what the "incarnation" of Demise really is. It passes between his successors, and grows stronger when humans lose hope and monsters triumph. Of course, it weakens when the Hero restores the land and stuff, but evil will always find a way. More allies couldn't hurt Link's chances, or Zelda's in your version. Those two would be an excellent addition to the Twilight Twists section of your Hyrule Warriors.

As for Midna, I noticed that Zelda never actually landed a single hit. Midna just got bored and started throwing more power around until she ran out. Good work with those lyrics, too.
The Unplanner chapter 13 . 8/6/2015
Oh my Hylia. I thought the Hero's Shade was OoT Link still, or more accurately your version of OoT Link. Or whoever you planned to take the role of Sheik. But what you ACTUALLY did was much better! I wonder how Zelda's father could have possibly learned the Great Spin, though? He never got the Master Sword, and the spirit of the Hero is not his, nor the Triforce or whatever power Zelda has in its place here. How would he have been able to practice the technique, or even know it was possible? Also, whoever decided we need three cities in the sky to confuse the players needs a Skyward Strike in the rear.
The Unplanner chapter 12 . 8/6/2015
Well, the memory side-quest is over, and the hunt for goddess-forsaken owl statues can begin...

I think the cats in the Hidden Village are happier than the ones in Castle Town. Impaz is a much better cat person than Jovani. Can you imagine how grateful the kitties must be that Impaz took the time to find all ", at most, twenty" cats and brought them into her house when the bulblins showed up? They're fine where they are...although of course they enjoy playing with newcomers. That Cucco who the cats call their Boss... Does he rule by fear?
The Unplanner chapter 11 . 8/5/2015
It's "Left, A, Down." Pressing B puts the Ocarina away.

Daphne and Ariadne... Those are the same Twili kids that... Oh, dear. Zant's going to have a Twilit Cow no matter how this turns out. That's like having a cow, but with Fused Shadows involved.

Armogohma was stupidly easy to beat for you, too, I see. My sister fought it once and ended up getting over her fear of spiders for the most part. That's how easy that boss was to kill. Then Skyrim happened, and giant spiders became scary again.

I never thought of chasing the little eyeball-spider around to mock how easy it was to beat its bigger form before. Creativity: check! I loved that heart-to-heart Ooccoo (spelled with only two C's and two double O's) and Armogohma shared over their kids.

I think everyone hated hunting those ridiculous owl statues. To make matters worse, the marks for them on the map never go away, constantly reminding you of that horrible run-around.

It's possible to skip restoring Ilia's last bit of memory forever by presenting the Dominion Rod to Impaz the moment you see her, but I hope you go (or went, really) through with it.
The Unplanner chapter 9 . 8/4/2015
I would like to note that my participation in the epic battle consisted of Sword Art Online-based sword skills using heavy armor and a flaming shockwave attack I call the Meteor Crush. I also brought a combat puppet with a lot of swords (think a cross between Lambda-11 and Nirvana from Blazblue, in green).

As for actual plot, I noticed you spelled the Arbiter's Grounds with an "O" instead of an "E" in every instance. Why? I'm all in favor of the various teaser of other "swaps," though!

The Spinner is just as crazy as you say. I would NOT use such a weapon. Even if the alternative was spells requiring a five-minute charge time. I actually prefer waiting and countering in mock battles, and that's what allies are for. Speaking of allies, Zant's guidance makes an excellent workaround for the Spinner. He could probably handle it all by himself, as the King of All Spinning. It's a step down from the King of Twilight, but still quite an honor!
The Unplanner chapter 6 . 8/4/2015
Ugh, yes. Barinade's zit-guts were the worst part of a dungeon full of the worst parts. Never mind the electrified enemies that make your sword worse than useless, the disgusting spiderweb bars on the doors, the confusing layout, and Princess Ruto ('nuff said). And in the Master Quest version, Jabu-Jabu's Belly became the infamous Cow Level. Cow switches, cows in walls, cows in ceilings, cows underwater, and the only thing that was the same as the other version about the dungeon was Barinade itself. Which meant a second helping of zit-guts.

I wouldn't have been able to come up with a reason why King Bulblin's gate key comes flying up out of the canyon, either. I guess you do see it before the fight, so Zant could have nabbed it. But the whole thing WAS pretty unrealistic, so good on you for avoiding it.

I notice the spelling errors become rarer as I continue reading. At the start, there were quite a few, but I don't remember any specific instances in this chapter.
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