Reviews for From Within
0.Elizabeth Dawn.0 chapter 32 . 8/29/2017
Wow. I've got to admit, a few months ago, I tried reading the first one of this series. One of the first thoughts was "Oh . . . another one of the girl falls in love with lost boy story. Gee, I wonder how this will end."
But, I gave it a shot a week ago, and I do not regret it one bit! This is an amazing work of fiction. Even during the second story, I wasn't bored because while the movie was referenced you weren't rewriting those scenes.
The characters are amazing, realistic, and refreshing to read. And the plot . . . man! You can really write! I love that you took the liberty to spare our feelings and turn the characters we've grown to love. I love the everything you've done for this story. I have to admit that this is probably the best fanfiction I've read in quite some time.
Thank you for the story!
I am ecstatic to dive into the final book!
Erzsebeth Bathory chapter 32 . 11/26/2016
It took me around two days to binge read all of the chapters, but I did it, and I was not disappointed! I loved, loved, LOVED how you showed how difficult it was for Alan to struggle with being a half vampire. I'm probably one of the few who enjoys half vampire Alan from the third LB movie, but I was disappointed that we didn't see how he managed to grapple with his fight against feeding on human blood for YEARS. I like how Marko's progressed in your stories, how he's come to be a stand alone villain for the heroes, and revenge is always a good driving point for someone like him. Bridget truly shined in this story, with her struggles with her relationship with Alan as human, half vampire, and eventually full vampire... And you just had to leave us at a cliffhanger! Oh well, onward to the last story! Great work overall.
CastleRockGirl chapter 32 . 5/31/2015
Poor Alan, I wish Bridget hadn't have left him :( but this alliance sounds like it'll be interesting as hell! Good luck with finishing the next story and I look forward to reading it when you finish :) really enjoyed this story, you're an amazing writer!
CastleRockGirl chapter 31 . 5/31/2015
Awww no Bridget don't go! Well she is extremely brave and I get why but still! I hope we hear from her and how she gets on, she is my favourite character in this story along with Alan :( poor Edgar knowing his brother has turned, but I hope he doesn't try to kill Alan! Onto the last chapter, loved this one :)
CastleRockGirl chapter 30 . 5/31/2015
... Okay... I shall let you live... For now! Only because you know how much I love Alan and Bridget! Okay so she's a half vamp I guess that's preferable to being dead, and Alan is feeling better now he's a vampire which is good, he suffered for too long! Great chapter :)
CastleRockGirl chapter 29 . 5/31/2015
Oh no it's the team from hell! Oh no Marko and Charlotte working together I can imagine the chaos they're gonna create :S and the doctor?! Did not see that one coming, wonder what he means by "I'll be in touch"... Great chapter, onto the next!
CastleRockGirl chapter 28 . 5/31/2015
*rocks back and forth* not good, soooo not good. Bridget is injured, Marko is on the warpath, Alan turned, Charlotte is loose and this is all in ONE CHAPTER and there's still more! I'm actually afraid to read more lol great chapter though, even if you are pure evil!
CastleRockGirl chapter 27 . 5/31/2015
NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Oh God I don't want to read anymore but I'm gonna... Ugh I'm gonna kill you you're about to kill Bridget! No!
CastleRockGirl chapter 26 . 5/31/2015
Oh no Bridget please don't do anything stupid!
CastleRockGirl chapter 25 . 5/31/2015
Hell yes Bernice don't let them kill Bridget! Ugh Charlotte, some time away from that girl has DEFINITELY not made me hate her less -_- as if Alan would go anywhere near you! Onto the next chapter :P
CastleRockGirl chapter 24 . 5/31/2015
Hey I'm back! And catching up after being gone for a REALLY long time I apologise again. Poor Bridget :( I feel so bad for her because of what has happened to Bernice! I hope nobody else turns :S
Bellantry chapter 32 . 5/26/2015
Excellent ending! I know I didn't always care for Bridget but she's grown on me so I was tickled to see her take off determined to fight what's happening to her. I think Alan really loves her so he's going to have a super hard time with this. I enjoyed the very reluctant partnership between the vamps and the hunters to get rid of Marko and Charlotte. I sincerely wish you luck with your job and your writing. This is a terrific story and series! :)
Raindrop chapter 32 . 5/24/2015
You know that you're mean, right? For, once again, you leave us hanging!

Good writing though. Lots of conflict and drama, but without over-dramatization. You always keep the balance, and your characters seem realistic at all times.

I really feel for Edgar. You put him in a very tight spot. And what's it gonna be for Bridget? Only you know ...

So, what can I say, but, I'm looking forward to the next installment!
Elle chapter 32 . 5/24/2015
Omg Edgar y so mean to ur bro!?
Silverheels12 chapter 32 . 5/23/2015
Grr... Now we play the waiting game for the next story; anyways your a really good writer and I'd have to admit I stuck to reading this over any other book I was previously reading, before I fell upon your Santa Carla Undead series. I'm truly blessed that you didn't make a cliché ending. Congrats for getting your dream job by the way
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