Reviews for Alibi
dontbekinddddddddddddde0109192 chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
Nice and good
chromeknickers chapter 1 . 11/24/2018
I can’t believe I haven’t read this one, considering I always start with the oldest fics... anywho, this is another masterpiece, as usual. Some of my favourite lines:

[Yet she's gravitated to Damon's bathroom, and it gives him a perverse satisfaction knowing the little witch exists, even if for the briefest of moments, nude in space designated specifically for him.] - This is so a Damon thing for him to be proud of, lol.

["We killed Silas."
"Silas killed himself. Doesn't count."] - lol, so true.

["In Mystic Falls? Unless there's some ball I've yet again not been invited to, no such thing."] - tea!

[We're both headstrong and fiercely loyal, but more importantly you and I are incredibly self-destructive."
"I am not—"
"You've died for people. You can dress it up by calling it sacrificial, but to-may-to, to-mah-to."] - I see no lies, except Damon being fiercely loyal, lol.

[That Bonnie scared him because she didn't confer with him first, didn't pull him aside and ask him if she should push Kai to the limit. Didn't ask before putting a pickaxe in Kai's chest. That's a Bonnie who answers to no one and nothing, and he hates that he can't blame her. If anything, she's the one they all have to answer to.] - Yes to all of this! I’m loving her convo with Damon, both sides.

["You mistake me for someone who finds it heroic and endearing when you ignore the word no."] - Brrr!

Ooh, and now onto the Bonkai part, which was fantastic. I must admit that I prefer post-Merge Kai but pre-Merge Kai can be so much fun.

[He sits up at her entrance, a smile at his lips, but she's on a warpath, he can tell. They've had nights like that. Nights where she takes control, like fucking him is wrestling match. He didn't mind it, though. He's used to being a punching bag.] - This is kinda sad; he’s such a puppy.

["My guess is you won't be staying for pillow talk after you take your frustration out on my dick."] - Lol! I would have paid money to hear Kai say this to Bonnie, while she was riding him. ;) They’re such a lightning meets fire couple.

["Do me a solid and don't picture Bela Lugosi doing all this heavy lifting, will ya?"] - Omg! I almost spit out my tea, lol!

["C'mon, Bonnie. Use your big girl words."] - Like good goddamn do you write Kai well.

Seriously loved this one-shot. Not only was it some great smut but some spot on characterisation of all three characters. As per usual, I’m impressed.
entwinedloop chapter 1 . 12/10/2017
I certainly saw Damon/Bonnie chemistry on show and I liked how you showed their dynamics and subtext of their pull to each other. Subtle charged moment as she was leaving.

Loved your depiction of Bonkai interaction. Enjoyed Bonnie taking lead and Kai following her while calling her to be present with him and not hide from how she feels. I see him doing that.
hally2111 chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
Amazing one shot I loved the Bonnie and Damon connection and Kai.
babyshan211 chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Naughty Bonnie. Liked it alot:)
PraticallyCharmed chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
Oh Bonnie my baby
Miau chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Okey, so I laughed way too hard reading your disclaimer. The story is simply amazing and you wrote Bamon and Bonkay perfectly, seriously. Maybe Damon was a little bit more OoC but nothing remarkable. Kai was on his element with his stupid humour xD Loved it *-*
You have talent so keep on writing!
grennbubbles chapter 1 . 2/11/2015
Oh my gosh I can't believe I hadn't read this yet! I've been constantly checking this site for good bonkai and this is definitely one of the best! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and share it with us -)
Fictionspinner3 chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
Really loved it; more please! I'd love a little more Damon/Bonnie/Kai love triangle!
vulnera-sapientia chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
Omg this was fantastic, good job!
doreymi chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
wowza that was HOT! thanks for the great story
BlueRose326 chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
I'm surprised this doesn't have more reviews; it's one of the best one-shots on here. I feel that you really captured Bonnie and Kai, I could practically see them when I read this.
Blessing 1.0 chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
Lol Scimitar is maaaad... I loved this, it was dark and funny and crazy and sexy. I'm all for Bonnie making bad decisions and Kai is the most perfect one by far.
thefudge is grumpy chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Gaaah, this story is haunting in the best fucking way possible. Love love love.
Bonkai Fan girl chapter 1 . 1/1/2015
Wow ! This was intense. I love the Bamon interactions in this - I think you captured them both perfectly.
Bonkai is so hot. It's such a dark and wonderful pairing - I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.
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