Reviews for Circus, Circus
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2017
Galad Estel chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Ah, this was good. I like how you symbolized the three characters so well through circus positions.
SiriusMarauderFan chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
Well that was just depressing.

Really well written and everything though. I like how you portrayed each of the trio's demons, and how even though they were still friends and the war was over, they were still broken.

There were a few spelling errors, but nothing too big. Great job!
Ralinde chapter 1 . 2/27/2015
Interesting idea to use the circus as a metaphor for life. I think that all three 'professions' were chosen well, even though I did feel you didn't do Ron much justice - his best friends didn't think of him as 'just the sidekick', and after the war, many people would know and honour him just as much as the other two (well, maybe Harry more for /actually/ beating Voldemort). But you drew some interesting parallels. One thing: at one point you say Hermione was dancing with tigers. Since she's a lion tamer, shouldn't that be lions instead?
J.F.C chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
Damn quite harsh tone this short piece had, but that has always been a central part of this particular series of yours, at least the ones I have read. I loved the different perspectives of the golden trio, and how the war has affected them all in different ways, but the thing I loved the most about this piece is poetry feel it has between some lines. Anyway, good work. Up to the next one.

Scratch the first line I wrote, sorry is just that the title shares the same name of another fellow writer's multi-drables series... so I just assumed it was hers.
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
I read this when you first published it for QL, and I thought it was really well done then, too. It's an interesting concept you came up with, and there's just the right amount of metaphor and connection theme to make it right but not overbearing. I like how the trio were linked, and each individual section was really nicely done. Great job :D
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
This was wonderfully written, I love the comparisons to the trio as circus acts, in the spotlight even though they don't want to be. It's not what they want and not all it's cracked upto be. I like how they hide what they really are like, putting on a show for the outside world to see.
Laser Lance 720 chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
First let me start by thanking you for writing this. It was so fantastic. The way you balanced narrative and a poetic feel was amazing. It provided such a powerful tone.
It think my favorite has got to be the last one, Ron I presume. It sounds like its him. Which is another thing I love, you didn't need to state names to know who they were. But on the Ron point. You portrayed his jealously and lack of confidence so well, he was very in character. They all were, but his was my favorite.
0WolfMoon0 chapter 1 . 2/23/2015
Beautiful. Terrible. Exquisite. It borders between prose and poetry and is done in such a way where even without stating character names you know who they are, and your heart breaks for them. The tightrope walker, the lion tamer, and the clown are incredibly insightful symbols for each member of the trio. My heart broke for each character, but it was written so incredibly well that I would read it again and again nonetheless.
Mycroft-mione chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
Wow. Just wow. I don't think I can really capture how brilliant that fic was, but I'll try. The circus metaphor was fantastic, you matched the trio to circus positions effortlessly, or at least it felt that way. It was heartbreaking to read, yet completely true, every bit of it. And completely original, I've never read anything like it.
My favorite line, because it's so poetic: "bought exactly six red roses-I love you, I miss you, I'm sorry". I guess it's just the way you put words together that makes this piece so magical.
berryandlisa chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Wow! I love this so much because it's so relatable. I can tell which person is which act, which is always nice. I love how you portrayed all of them, it's almost impossible to feel bad for one over either of the others.

Some grammar is off and the spelling could use another glance through. The tense changes in some parts as well. For example in this sentence: "And he will always be the tightrope walker for the rest of his life, because nothing he could do would bring anyone back." The tense changes from present to past (I think .). There are other parts where it changes as well.

Overall very good job with the description and characterization. I found myself able to really relate to everyone. I love it! Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to favorite it as well!
Best of luck!
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
What a great idea for a story! I really liked how you portrayed each character separately and not as a whole. You really broke down their personalities and brought it to light, which was really nice (yet sad) to see. I think you captured their true feelings nicely and I can see you really understand all of their characters.

I think Hermione's was my favourite, because she is often portrayed as a flawless character who is constantly happy and always perfect, basically (which grates on my nerves to no end, by the way), so it was nice to see something different here. Good job on her character.

Well done!
Jemennuie chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
The summary for this piece was eye-catching, and I've definitely never read a circus-themed Harry Potter piece before, so that was nicely creative. The second sentence, given it's contrast to the first sentence, is almost humorous; I'm not sure if that was your intention, but on the other hand that is a rather hard first line to have to use for the piece.

I was a bit confused by Harry walking the line between good and evil, because to me that implies he's torn between the light side and the dark side, and I feel like Harry was always solidly on the light side (unless you're referencing his sometimes use of Unforgiveable Curses?). I did like the idea of Harry being something other than the ring leader, though, which would have been the obvious choice.

I really liked Hermione's section. The idea that her parents may have only partly recovered from the curse was something I haven't read before (I was expecting that her parents would be dead) but I can see how that would tear her apart, especially since I can easily imagine her blaming herself for it. I also liked how you portrayed her as such a strong character.

Anyway, nice piece.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
I love this so much. Your comparison of the trio to a circus act is spot on. Even using the Circus act metaphor is good as shows that they're always performing, always being watched. They face danger everyday and people clap when they succeed and boo when they fail. They have to be at their best and they can't let others see their scars/mistakes/fear/sadness.
Harry is the tightrope walker and though they applaud when he makes it across and walks the line, they are all secretly rooting for him to fall (it's more interesting).
Hermion is the lion tamer. She faces danger everyday but she's quick and smart enough. But she gets scratches, scars and near misses which last.
Ron is the clown, meant to make people laugh but inwardly, he is not happy. He can't be sad when the others around him are said because he needs to keep the smile on.
Excellent job. I wish I could favourite twice.
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
A realy interesting title - and I love how you develop those circus analogies as well. I never would have thought of them, but you've written them to appear so naturally. And how they come out strong despite all that hardship - it speaks of their character and their future while refusing to make light of their past. I find Ron's the saddest, with sentences like "Why bother wasting time on the clown".
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