Reviews for Sweet Whispers of the Heart
Guest chapter 17 . 8/26/2017
Hi it's the previous reviewer again. Sorry if I sounded passive aggressive in my review, only after reading one of your previous author notes in another fic did I realize it might've put pressure on you. My bad. So the choice was difficult bc I could see her say all those in the current situation but I pick a.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/24/2017
Hi I stumbled onto this today and I must say I like this idea! I hope you will continue, its fun to read and I like the characterization of this world compared to canon. Also Haru's inner thoughts lmao! Queen indeed!
NaturalDreamer chapter 16 . 1/15/2017
Finally! I actually had time to read this. I enjoyed the interaction between Haru and Kaipan, especially with his crew mates behind him, teasing the two. Ha ha those two are so cute. Now! I noticed nobody hasn't chosen anything, so I will go ahead and pick B.).

For the next question, I believe I should answer give it a try for the Pheler's candy. Not sure if I should've answered that or not, but just in case! We want Haru to live dammit!

So, there you have it! Thanks for another great chapter. 8)
girlwithglasses1886 chapter 16 . 12/24/2016
Oh gosh, I must be extremely late for this review, but it's great to see you writing again! Yay! And I hope you're feeling better. :)
kazorashi chapter 11 . 11/2/2016
The fortune part killed me. That was so funny. They're so cute! Having adorable moments together, let my ship sail! Anyways, lol, it was really adorable. Kai is making me scream and it's just so fluffy. And I love Haru, she is really taking this "save their world" head on.
JuviaLovesYou327 chapter 15 . 5/10/2016
Published on New Years and updated on New Years!
NaturalDreamer chapter 15 . 5/4/2016
Since I chose last time, I won't write down my choices.

Dan huh? Since Haru said the face didn't look familiar, I'm guessing he's just a random character you though of? If so, awesome! His obsession with the phoenix is realistic too. Makes me want to avoid him at all cost. XD

Good luck finding some answers, Haru! You're going to need it!
Rane Kurodo chapter 15 . 1/7/2016
Weird as it is, I feel like Haru should visit Kaipan.

This is an awesome story :)
summer-162 chapter 15 . 1/1/2016
Yay, another chapter, I'm so excited, I think Haru should

[*] Head back to the tower
b) Lets visit Lionel and Finn

So she could spend more time with Lionel.
SilverHeart1821 chapter 14 . 11/26/2015
(By the way, this is Natural Dreamer. I was too lazy to change accounts. Sorry. ; )

So, I am very happy. So VERY happy. Ooohh gosh... It's getting so much harder for Haru to choose which one she should go after. They're all so cute and have awesome personalities (even if it's somewhat the same). UUGGHHH...!

HELP! NEO! LIONEL IS ADORABLE! I WANT TO HUG THE LION TOO! *Cries* Now, Finn, I like you and all... But I'll need time to trust ya. Or at least, Haru to trust you. (But damn, just thinking about older Dino... *Sighs*)

I enjoyed reading this chapter. Like, a lot. I didn't get to read it last night because I was reading another amazing fic and it got pretty late. So! I now read it and I feel very satisfied. Good job with this one girl! Proud of you~!

Since I chose last time, I'm not sure if I can choose which direction Haru should go. HOWEVER! Just in case someone doesn't give their choice, I'll go ahead and give mine just in case.


B. Visit the middle path!

Okay, that's all I'm going to say for now. See you next time~!
UloveME143 chapter 13 . 9/7/2015
Yay two new chapters in one day! How exciting! I love the the encounter with Hibari, Belphegor, Squalo, and Xanxus! It was very cute and very sweet!

I think Belphegor/Ming take a liking to Haru! I can't wait for the new Chapter!

Thank you for updating, hope to hear from you soon!

NaturalDreamer chapter 13 . 9/6/2015
Oh snap! Now she has to worry about her energy draining? Oh lord... Now the challenge has come! HERE WE GO!

I have enjoyed this chapter. A lot. Like... I LOVED the interaction between Ace (Speaking of which, love the name girl. Did you think of a certain character from a certain game? XD), Wang, and Ming. It was freaking hilarious. Oh man, I can't wait to have more interactions with these characters.

You just increased my excitement to the next level. Oh man... After next chapter, ALL of the characters will be unlocked. *Cries* This is so cool man! UGGHHHH!

I'm just so happy to be here, reading this story. Haa...

A wonderful chapter as always girl! AWESOME JOB! THUMBS UP ALL THE WAY!
NaturalDreamer chapter 12 . 9/6/2015
You're very welcome~! (Your response to the end of the chapter.)

I do enjoy reading this series. Seriously. I am happy that I am here when you first started it. At least when you finish it (eventually), I will say that I was here since the beginning. 8)

It's been quite a while since a story has made me happy and excited. I know I keep repeating those words, but it's how I feel. Just coming home from a long day at work and finding a story updated just...fills me with joy and happiness.

Anyway~ I shall continue on to the next chapter. You did an excellent job on this chapter girl! Also, yes, too bad that Hibarin couldn't suck Haru's neck. Yet. HA HA HA.

It will happen. Maybe. If it doesn't, oh well. I can always imagine it. XD

Okay, that's all I have to say for now. Onwards!
Catrina7077 chapter 11 . 8/24/2015
Haru is definitely a queen :) I just like to drop a review to say how lovely your story is :) The character's interaction are so enjoyable to read . Also just a fyi, 'Kaipan' in Japanese can also mean 'swimming trunks' - just to let you know for humour's sake ;)
UloveME143 chapter 11 . 8/20/2015
OMG I'm so glad my name was mention.

My heart drop when Kaipan's eyes shifted downwards. Oh poor Kaipan, I'm so sorry.
I love how his crewmates were trying to listen to Haru and Kaipan conversation. It was so cute.

Again my heart drop! Oh Poor Haru, is that how you felt this whole time? I'll try my best to get you home TT_TT

for the question:

I chose B. and go visit Hibarin!
(Sorry Kaitan, i want to see Hibarin)
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