Reviews for Alien Ultimatum
Puffsy chapter 37 . 7/16
My God...!
I just realised that I've followed this story for more than 8 years (!) and I still get excited whenever I get an e-mail stating that a new chapter is available. As a 100% Kishigo-fan and a worshipper of your ideas and stories I must express my gratitude for you, Soccer-Geek, for giving me something to look forward to. But still, I can't help this feeling of sadness passing through me as I re-read the AU-triology for the 16th time, feeling the story slowly coming to an end...I don't want it to end. Haha...

I'm sorry that I've never reviewed before, just never felt confident enough to write to you...If you would ever feel the need to brainstorm with someone or just want to chat about.. I don't know...the weather...? Just send a PM and I'll make sure that my Scandinavian-mind can come to use!
Raven-Geek chapter 37 . 7/8
Your imagery and dialogue is amazing! I may or may not have shed a tear -’
SapphireNova24 chapter 37 . 7/8
Excuse me while I go and cry because I feel sorry for Mylo and now, I wanna give him a hug and not let go while loving on him. I also loved seeing that Mylo was a good brother to Kisshu before this little uprising happened and I am sure I know who is to blame for causing Mylo to hate his younger brother, whom he probably still loves and cares for.
strix16 chapter 36 . 6/9
cliffie no fare! yeah yeah i know life's not fare... cant wait for another chapter and the rest of the story
Stormshadow13 chapter 36 . 5/7
I kind of hope that amyloid can be saved.

The history was great.
luca.favro chapter 35 . 4/22
Good earth day to you.
Did you read me in the mind?
Because in my story things will go in a similar way ... But let's say that things are darker
Let's say I decided to beat a road where the dark side of the mew mew and the three aliens turns up.
The story is published on an Italian site and has not yet reached that point.
Stormshadow13 chapter 35 . 4/22
Awesome. The past is going to be very educational.
AnimeQueenMaya chapter 34 . 3/25
I am so happy that you didn't abandoned this story, you needed to time to finish this story as I can tell is almost about to be at the end. Just take your time and things we come smoothly.
Stormshadow13 chapter 34 . 3/22
Wow, Atlantis, didn’t see that coming but not surprised, it does make since. Love it. Amazing job on the chapter. Poor Summer.
luca.favro chapter 34 . 3/21
It's a fantastic chapter!
I like the idea that the event that caused aliens to flee is the universal flood.
I will read next chapter in Cyclon
I will read the story of Rishi-sobo
DinoPirate chapter 34 . 3/20
I know Summer explained that humans and cyniclons hated each other but it was proven that they love and understand each other, have families. Why didn't the cyniclons try to reach out and come to a comprise? And she also put more emphasis on Ikisatshi clan again, what is their significance?

Love the added Lore with Noah's Ark, well the lore in general. There is so much history that was practically erased by time. I really wish that when everything is over, they open up communications with Cynnith. This is their history that everyone deserves to know. But that's my opinion and they've still have a little time, maybe.
Mew Polarbear chapter 33 . 8/13/2019
Your stories are amazing and I love what you've come up with for these 3 stories you've written and the hilarity that you've wrote. The Jack in the box was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing at that.
Your a fantastic writer and I hope you plan to finish this story, I've been so dedicated to it and it's characters.
Champion of Justice chapter 32 . 7/19/2019
Please update soon.
Champion of Justice chapter 33 . 7/19/2019
Great job. I've read all of your stories and I love them. please update soon.
Guest chapter 33 . 6/24/2019
Nice story ! Can't wait to read next chapters. Thank you for your wonderful job.
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