Reviews for The Last Dance
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Gooooodddddd where to begin! I absolutely LOVED this! I was reading it at work and UGH I think my boss now thinks I'm crazy smiling like that! First of all the ending was great! A bit AUish but surprisingly it didn't bother me! It's so like Ed... Then I really like the fact that they both kinda hate the clubbing scene but go just to feel free together... The part about Major Sparkles absolutely KILLED me I was laughing my ass off there XD overall very good work! Loved it!
doidinha chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
Great! Now I have to check my blood's sugar levels... So cute!
AA Addict chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
I have an account, I'm not lying!

Lol, what Ed did at the end sounds like something I'd do. And Ed's consequence sounds like something that would happen to me, knowing my stupid luck XP

So cute! I love the fact that they don't dance or anything, it seems so... Roy-and-Ed-ish! Slow dancing does seem more like Roy. He seems pretty classy XD And no dancing seems like Ed!

Lol, Major Sparkles XD
UP2L8 chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
Nice! You never disappoint. And the end? I loled.