Reviews for Ride, ride my see saw
BassCharlie-SparrowHawke chapter 5 . 2/15/2015
I'm so glad that he told her if they couldn't work things out with Miles and Rachel that they could leave together...Perfect! I love how he took such gret care of her at the stream. I can't wait to read more of your work.
BassCharlie-SparrowHawke chapter 4 . 2/15/2015
Fabulous chapter! The bar scene has always been one of my favorite ones. I liked how you made her walking away from him a way for her to keep him safe from Miles and Rachel and that she hoped to meet up with him again. Charlie was funny when Bass saved her from the bar talking about the stars and how she is little and skinny. Bass was so upset that he barely made there to help. I am looking forward to more.
perfect.manhattan chapter 5 . 2/11/2015
Awwh! I loved it! I loved seeing him take care of her while still having all of his edginess. I really enjoyed all the back-and-forth you had them doing. It kept thing spicy ;-)

IceonFire7 chapter 5 . 2/11/2015
Oh, I thought this was really wonderful, Magpie. Really well done. Loved the incorporation of canon with your own twist on things. Actually, your twist was even better than the canon version ;)

I shall be really sad to see this story go. I loved it. Can't wait to see what you have coming up next.
LemonSupreme chapter 5 . 2/11/2015
This was awesome! What a great story. Love the way you wove show moments in with new stuff and the smut - ooh la la! :) Loved it, and can't wait to see what you write next. Thanks for this one.
Loveforthestory chapter 5 . 2/11/2015
Hey Magpie,

fantastic story, lovely chapter! There was so much to like... the waking up, their discussion, the intensity...

...his hands large enough to stroke around the undersides of her breasts... fantastic line, it is a detail like this that I love!

You did great with this story,
Love from Love :)
IceonFire7 chapter 4 . 2/9/2015
Oh, my gosh, I love this. I really do. The bar scene is my favorite moment, possibly in the whole series, and you did it so much justice. I love all the little extra bits in here since they've already been together. Of course he's furious and crying all at the same time. And that's she's talking to him even as she's floating in and out of consciousness. I loved it all!

Can't wait for more! Excellent job, Magpie.
IceonFire7 chapter 3 . 2/9/2015
I still really love this story. I'm loving the way they are working together to escape the bounty hunters. And I really liked your take on the pool scene. Loved their escapades in the shower block too.

And, oh no, only one more chapter? Can't wait to read it. :)
Loveforthestory chapter 4 . 2/4/2015
Happy, very happy to see an update here...

The ladies symbol..I loved your little reference to the pre blackout world. It must be weird to see something that was so normal in that world, now in this different world. You write these amazing details, and I really like that!

I liked it when he said that he would not leave any woman in that kind of situation. I think that is very believable...the old part in him ( maybe that part that made him join the Marines, of wanting to do good)

I loved how you turned the chapter around again, moments from the episodes combined with your own creative writing, your angle and own style. Like how you showed us that part in Bass where he feels drawn to her, the danger of somebody who is there, there is energy but there is also a woman who wants to kill him. I think it is very believable Monroe would be attracted to that.
I like the fact that he was thinkin...she could not get into trouble so fast, again, could she?

I liked, that with the first chapter, she ends up in trouble again after you gave us the version of what happened in Vegas, where he warns her about the world...

Bass 'rain' was very sweet and Charlie's reaction on batting him on his cheeck to much fun!and...oh...after I read the chapter I kept on thinking about Charlie, in his arms and drugged up... You have two swords... haha..I think that was one, or maybe THE best line for me... the whole moment. Loved her drugyness, and the fact that one thinks about those random things and wonders about it and she tells him...

We can argue again when you wake up ( there is a surreal normalness in that line, like hey...we do this all the time)...what were we arguing about bass. BASS, she called him bass. for me that is always a big moment when she does..

I alweays liked the fact that somehow, in the episode, they got on the road, and when they returned they had formed some kind of, the past is there but we are in this together.

Another great chapter, very creative, very real, very intense, fun, edy and smart!
Please keep writing for us!
Love from Love
LemonSupreme chapter 4 . 2/3/2015
Love this. The Pottsboro scene in particular is fantastic. I love how you've shown us Bass's inner thoughts and fears there. Really wonderful. :)
hayj chapter 4 . 2/3/2015
Well, it looks like I need to hire some more Cabana boys to man the fans as that first part was hot, hot, hot!

My favorite line was (And I'm too lazy too type it all out) "He gave her the man's death..." That was brilliant. .it.

I'm so looking forward to the next installment :)
BassCharlie-SparrowHawke chapter 3 . 1/28/2015
This was great! I really liked when they were tied up in the pool and Charlie was saying all of that stuff to Bass in order to get a rise out of him so that he would be pissed and fight back...she needed Bass fighting not feeling bad for the past. Then of course there was the magnificent electricity that runs between these two and at the end they're like two live wires that finally connect. Can't wait to read more.
Loveforthestory chapter 3 . 1/28/2015
You are so very welcome! I loved to read this :) it feels so watched that episode :) love how we got so much of episodes in different Bass did kill that second bountyhunter but you mixed it up real nicely! Absolutely loved this! Thaenergiey in the pool! Oh! Great read and well done! Love our chats... but you know that :)
perfect.manhattan chapter 3 . 1/27/2015
I really enjoyed this chapter! I loved that you gave us something a little different! It seems like many authors either post complete AU stories or stick very closely to the show, so its really cool to read something different. I loved seeing the tension and flirty banter between Charlie and Monroe. I can't wait to see what will happen next!

LemonSupreme chapter 3 . 1/27/2015
I looooooooooooove this. :) Hot, sexy Bass... all the wonderful early S2 loveliness with some wonderful new stuff thrown in. All the sexual tension and hotness. Yum! More! More! More! :)
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