Reviews for Belle of the Black
Happy Reader chapter 28 . 5/26/2018
Second time reading it and still loving it :D Thanks for such a brilliant read.
EverMineEverThine chapter 28 . 11/1/2016
I loved this! The slow build was great and Ry was a perfect OC. Great job!
doryshotgun2 chapter 28 . 3/5/2016
I stayed up until 1am to finish this and I didn't even see the epilogue. Good stuff, you're a great writer.
supercode chapter 28 . 10/27/2015
Great story!
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 21 . 8/15/2015
Dag nabbit, Jayne is adorable! But hey, at least he finally took his head out of his butt!
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 19 . 8/15/2015
I liked Ry's speech to Jayne. I think he needed to hear that.

Sorry for not reviewing as often, I can't seem to stop reading to do so. I really really like this story.
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 12 . 8/15/2015
Even thought there is no serious romancing going on between Ry and Jayne At the moment, I am really enjoying this. This flows so well, it feels like someone took a part of the series and turned it into a written story.
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 9 . 8/15/2015
Oh wow, what a past! I was not expecting that!

I'm glad Mal still accept her.
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 6 . 8/15/2015
Ry is like a female- less crude- version of Jayne. I love it, I always thought there should be another tough chick (besides Zoe of course) on the show.

Hmm, I wonder what or who is on Verbena?
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 3 . 8/15/2015
Hehe, Jayne seems impressed she shot Badger.

And I laughed until I cried with that Story of Wash from flight school.
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 2 . 8/15/2015
Holy crap, I love Ry! This was so badass, and Zoe and Mal loved it!
Clementine Buttersnaps chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
I wasn't expecting Ry to know Zoe and Wash :(

But sheesh, I better toughen up, seriously I tear up when someone mentions Wash (if he's dead in the story) in any manner. I was so depressed when he died in Serenity, I can't bring myself to read a Zoe and Wash fic yet.

But I'm excited for this story!
DeathFrisbee221 chapter 4 . 7/11/2015
The style of this felt very close to the series. Good work!
Thumper1776 chapter 28 . 3/18/2015
Very good story. Thank you.
J.G Story Time Inc chapter 28 . 2/12/2015
I thought it be best to wait until I got to the end of this story. I would very much like to say that I enjoyed this story very much. I'm very particular about how I expect a story from a genre to go.
For instance, my main reason for reading the Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, was for the simple reason for seeing John and Cameron becoming a couple. I think most fans expected that before it's untimely end.
In Firefly, I do expect that couples get together, but I never expect it to be the focus of fan-fiction. When I think about Firefly, I think of raw unspoken emotion accompanied with the genius of the crew.
You have demonstrated this in the best of ways. The character RyAnne certainly grabbed my attention. Though it was obvious that Jayne & she were sweet on each other, I appreciate the fact that you tried to keep true to the Firefly franchise, which is jobs and getting out of situations.
You were wonderfully descriptive too. I try my best to be descriptive but I have that cold emotionless writing technique. I've been told that I'm a decent writer but I do have a number of points to work on and you've helped to realize that.

However I would like to point out a few things.
1. When you decide to use language other than English, I know I would appreciate it if you were to put the meanings near by. An example of this is one of the techniques I use, "Mi día ha ido mal." (My day has gone bad.) Something very simple like that.
2. The characterization of River Tam was slightly off in my opinion. I certainly do not want to denounce you but I will say that she was very off.
When it comes to fans, you will find that views on a character all differ. It is difficult to place on type of personality on a character because, the character represents all of the fan world. They may see them as loving while others see them as cold. This is where the lines between true and untrue are blurred because opinions are thrown everywhere.
In my personal opinion, which I give out of total respect for you, is River Tam is not as cryptic as you've written her to be. I've made it my mission to study every aspect of River Tam to the best of my ability, and in truth, she is my favorite Firefly character.
My observation of her is a lighthearted teen with a burden on her shoulder. Being as such, not every statement she makes will be a riddle and metaphoric, especially after the events of Serenity being that she "felt better".
However, that is all I have to say and complain about. Most would perhaps be angry at bad diction, and punctuation. You, have done an excellent job. I only saw a few errors. I will be honest and say that I have made far more than you in diction and punctuation.
You have done a wonderful job in keeping the Firefly series alive and well. Thank you taking the time to write this well-made story. I hope you will do something in the future for Firefly. I'll be one of the first to read it!

Also, I would like to ask you to check out my story on fictionpress. It is called To Rise Above.
s/3234173/1/ To-Rise-Above
(Take the space out of To Rise Above and the /)
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