Reviews for It doesn't matter
AIRbooks chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
This is a really cool idea. I like your OC and how this was written. It's cool!
This Fangirling Muggle chapter 1 . 6/28/2016
Nice how you made Charlie ace, many fanfic writers like to make him gay, but if you ask me, there are enough gay characters in fanfics, but so not enough ace characters. I'm asexual, so I would like to see it represented more, I only figured it out recently, well past year, so I've been soaking up as much info as i can. Thanks for the inclusive story. There was one misgendering incident that another reviewer mentioned, but other than that it was a cute scene.
SourElf chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
Kind of cute, I felt like this was an ad for gender acceptance, which I am all for, and less of a story. also, you misgendered Ray with 'She said laughing.' Ray and Charlie make cute couple, though. They seem like they would do a lot of awesome dragon fighting.
gingerdream chapter 1 . 1/10/2015
This fic really warmed my heart. I loved the way you potrayed Mrs Weasley. You made her seem more han the shallow character people always seem to give her in fanfiction.