Reviews for Foxheart
Argentum Anubis chapter 1 . 11/2/2018
This story is amazing. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started to read, but I love how it turned out. The ideas of Tadashi being a kitsune and about the memories and everything are great.
This made me feel better about Tadashi's death, too.
If you ever decide to write a story with Kitsune! Hiro, I'd be more than happy to read.
Thank you for sharing.
Snow-Soar chapter 1 . 11/21/2015
This was very cute :)
Thanks for a good read!
shooting2stars chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
Oh my...this is a REALLY good story!
I LOVE it! Super interesting, Tadashi a kitsune and the magic behind it.
So sweet how he willingly became a brother to a lonely child, and was still there for his otouto, seeing that he found him.
I hope to see more of something like this in the future, a story like this...
Thanks for this fic :)
GonnaTryScience chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
Very nice! The idea isn't one I've seen before and you've handled it very well here. I would be very happy to see more, in this universe or the Hiro-as-kitsune version you mentioned, or with both as kitsune, or anything else you may like to offer. :) More importantly, though, thank you for writing this - the brotherly love you showed made me smile!
readeatcook chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
Wow this is interesting, linking the Hamada brothers to a myth. I cried when I got to the part where Flame Caller tells Hiro that he is Tadashi, and cried even harder at 'You've had my heart for 7 years now, what's another 90?'
I like how you insert flashbacks, they are all in needed places and explain the details perfectly and convincingly. This story is touching and beautiful, and I'll read Kitsune!Hiro if you decide to write and put it up too :)
regularshow565 chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
I love this! Amazing job. :)