Reviews for A Perfect Holiday
Guest chapter 7 . 3/8/2018
Thanks for this - interesting and enjoyable, on several levels. Long lives, as you suggest, would likely make for very different contexts for relationships. The warmth and affection in this particular relationship is clear, and I'm sure I'll return to read it again.

Pelagie Barocca chapter 7 . 7/14/2015
OMG so, I'm not the only one who ship those two? Thanks for existing and thanks for writing such a beautiful story! You captured them perfectly. And yes, I think that this ship is absolutely believable (even more than HB/Drill to be honest).
(sorry if I made any mistakes but english is not my first langage).
Thanks again for this.
RandomMoniker chapter 7 . 2/14/2015
Wow. Having read this in one desperate sitting I'm honoured you even thought to review one of mine. Your writing is fantastic and puts my scant prose to shame.

I have to admit I'm not a fan of the pairing, though I do appreciate your reasoning behind it. I do also admire your diversions from the usual pairing of Imogen and Constance (I realise I am still long overdue in my review of TRIOK, for which I apologise). I've written of them myself - but somehow they don't sit right to me as a couple. It's almost like Constance is settling for the only young-ish woman in the series, despite the fact Imogen would probably prove less than captivating to Constance. That's just my opinion, they're very popular as you know.

Back to yours, you write Constance very well and delve into her vulnerabilities and desires in a way which rings true - she's neither too cold nor out of character. All the interactions between the staff read like an episode, and I love the "satisfying haste" of the pupils' scattering.

I really do hope to read more from you - and will certainly learn a great deal from your writing.
orphicrantipole chapter 4 . 2/8/2015
I must confess that you left me speechless, I really did not expect a such pairing from you, ... I am pleasantly surprised ! :)
My first reaction was different but now I love it! During the first 2 minutes when i read the 4th chapter, i was like "OMG i didn't expect that 0_0" but the scene of the first kiss between HB and Amelia make me like "aww cute :3"
bravo, good works, don't stop :D
BelovedAnaktoria chapter 7 . 1/24/2015
Yay, author note time! (Sadly, one of my favorite things about writing. I think I might have enjoyed English just a little too well as an undergraduate...)
I know I’ve chosen an extremely rare pairing here (I couldn’t actually find another Amelia/Constance fic, would love a rec if one exists) so I don’t expect much in the way of reviews or readers. I chose this pairing because there is (to me) a believability about it; these two are described as best friends, they have enormous respect for each other, and both are played by attractive actresses. And there are little moments in both the Worst Witch and the New Worst Witch that, to a mind obsessively devoted to finding them, can be twisted to have a more intimate meaning. Like the tiny smile Amelia gives Constanceas she enters the staff room in the episode following this story, “Monkey Business”; and then she drifts over to where Constance sits. Yes, I know it’s dramatic blocking so they can be in the same shot. Don’t harsh my fangirl buzz ;)
Plus I just like them together. There’s a Janeway/Seven, Kirk/Spock, Minerva/Albus vibe about them to me. They fit together psychologically. And Constance is such fun to write. It’s fun to get the repressed characters to, um, get un-repressed, especially when they are powerful, intelligent and wearing tight fitting black outfits...
I’m sure, if you’re reading this, you’ll have noted my ‘swelling potion’ invention. Several reasons for this. One is not PC. I do not find obesity erotic and I would find it difficult to write erotica for an obese character. I have been obese (BMI of over thirty) twice in my life, mostly thanks to medications, and it makes complications in the most loving sexual relationships. I’ve no wish to revisit that in fanfic. The character written in the books is described as ‘plump’; in the first tv series, the character has a fairly normal body type, and then gets progressively and absurdly larger. It’s clear from her face and wrists that the actress is a slender woman - I find the obvious padding unbelievable and annoying. Then in the spinoff series of the New Worst Witch they have (wisely, I think) discarded the whole padding idea entirely. I also think that given the nod to magically creating food (which is done a lot in the series), and the lesson in which Amelia tells them it is ‘unsatisfying’, it’s not an impossible theory, though I’m happy to admit it’s farfetched; and it’s finally very hard for me to imagine a world in which a girl can give herself a ‘magical makeover’, yet a fully trained witch spends her time voluntarily dealing with the complications of obesity.
I don’t think I’ve gotten Constance’s character arc quite right in this - she’s a bit erratic - but I’d welcome discussion on this, or anything else. Please feel free to PM me.
Music wise - “You Can Do Magic” by America. “In your eyes, a heart of stone can turn to clay” :)
room-on-broom chapter 1 . 1/19/2015
loved this opening chapter, its very witty and in character. I like how the charaters interact and the french revolution line was gold!
Hermione Jean McGonagall chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
Great idea. I can't stop laughing. Constance words is like Hastings said to Poirot that he need to go to somewhere; but Poirot (to Captain's huge displeasure) reply 'You will go with me'.
Princess Sammi chapter 4 . 1/15/2015
Ooh, what an interesting premise - and I don't mean HB/AC, I mean HB and a holiday! Lol ;)

Loving it so far! Laughed aloud at a few lines and utterly adore the idea that Hardbroom's office is a complete tip since it's something I would never have envisaged before. :D Interested to see where and how this progresses.

Princess S
BelovedAnaktoria chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
Authorial chatter: I have no idea why the formatting has gone wonky on this chapter. I've deleted, reuploaded, edited to no avail. Hopefully it's just a server cache issue and will fix itself overnight. If it doesn't, I'll keep hammering at it. My apologies :(