Reviews for Scars Of Old
POZZU chapter 40 . 3/6
Please follow this story till Lotr. I love i! It's so well written and the plot is great!
SilverDragon1218 chapter 40 . 1/5
This was fantastic! Gosh I've been looking for a good time travel for ages and I'm so glad that I found this! Thank you so so much for sharing this!
Kiren chapter 13 . 8/17/2019
I took quite liking to your story. It's original. And I like how you write them. Though I like pairing Killi/Tauriel more. :)
I hope Galadriel will send a word soon. I want them to change the past. And save some lives. ;)

And I did notice how you gloss over the fact Thranduil didn't help dwarves. Just like you wrote in the note at the end. Fact that Thranduil didn't lead his army against dragon is understable. But the reason Thorin and dwarves hate him is the fact he didn't help refugees. At all. He could have at last send food and medicine...
Shetan20 chapter 40 . 3/10/2019
Thank you for a brilliant story about Gimli and Legolas.
Shetan20 chapter 11 . 3/10/2019
Thank you for an enjoyable chapter.
Going around chapter 2 . 8/29/2018
So far I can only think... "This is a jewel!"

I'm enjoying Gimli's so much, so far and the way you're describing his relationship with Legolas comes across very realisticaly - I hope this remains truth in the following chapters.

Sending him to "The Hobbit" (moviverse) time and his connections with Fili and Killi is another great detail that I'm hopefull to see developed.

Good work
narakunohime chapter 40 . 2/10/2018

Would like to find out what happens next
POZZU chapter 1 . 8/26/2017
Please you have to continue this story please..
I want to know how it ends.
It's a great story please continue it
Warp Star X chapter 3 . 2/5/2017
alaniel chapter 40 . 8/7/2016
Please, splease update again soon!
Lady Alaniel chapter 40 . 4/8/2016
AWESOME! I absolutely did NOT expext that... that's utterly brilliant and so very much like Bilbo (although I'm a sucker for angst scenes, I would have dearly read how it actually happened).
So what now? Dis arrival will surely not go quietly. Will she even like Bilbo? How will Bilbo show the other dwarrow dams not to mess with him? And what about the ring...
please keep updating, it always makes my day to find a new chapter to my favourite story
Ithurielistic chapter 40 . 4/9/2016
YES! FINALLY! (Sorry, I figured that deserved all caps.)

For some reason that whole meeting felt like they were planning a heist instead of like... hardcore matchmaking – which I found hilarious, by the way.

I will admit that weirdly enough, the tune of Smooth Criminal wouldn't stop playing in my head while I read this. Why? Who even knows at this point.

Before I end this ridiculously long review (sorry, I just have so much to say!) I must tell you I didn't expect that twist at the end! Like... Bravo!

I swear I'll stop talking now x3
kili's smile chapter 40 . 4/8/2016
Oh, this was hilarious. And perfect. Of course Thorin and Bilbo would have the last laugh! Looking forward to Dis' arrival!
RedBear5 chapter 40 . 4/8/2016
ROFL - love the turnabout. Can't wait for Dis to arrive, and see her reaction.


Red Bear
Soy YO-SARIEL chapter 40 . 4/8/2016
Mejor que planeen la boda
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