Reviews for Jade's secrets
kristengogal chapter 3 . 2/29/2016
tori seems like such a fucking asshole in this, i dont like her at all my. she's like a gossip, drama hungry popular bitch and its not cool. great writing i just dont like how her character is portrayed
HunterMoore chapter 24 . 9/30/2015
Amazing story, absolutely wonderful.
Morticia Gore chapter 24 . 6/26/2015
The title of this chapter reminded me of good old Nightwish!
Well, I liked it... but am not gonna lie, I was sad when I read that it was the final chapter! What am I supposed to do with my life now? (Jokes)
Anyhow, you were completely right about the Spanish speakers disagreeing over which variety of Spanish is the ''finest'' one.
It's really nice to know that Trina found a nice guy to date for a change :) and it's good that they, the Vega family, are behaving like a real 'family' once again.
Lushcoltrane chapter 24 . 6/26/2015
Loved the idea of a graduation with personalized gowns. Fits that crazy school.

Andrew seems like a great guy for Trina but they can confirm that for themselves in Hawaii.
Azkadellio chapter 24 . 6/26/2015
It is not wrong to laugh at your own work. It's a good thing, in my opinion.

And yeah, Tori asking their dad about Andre, I mean Andrew, was funny, moreso with Trina right there. And David trying to set up his now known brother-in-law was funny.

I like how you poked fun a bit at the Pilot with Trina calling Andre Andrew, and now her calling Andrew Andre. Kinda confusing now that I think about it.

I like how you ended this with Trina graduating over Tori a d Jade, how some Tori/Jade fics end. Leaves more open.

It's nice how both families, three if the Shapiro-West household are considered two, are getting along so well. And Trina majoring in Psych is good. (No judgement on Theater.) And Jade's comment about no on calling Holly a psycho to her face was funny.

Very nice fic, and I look forward to reading more of your works.

Do you accept requests? I have an idea I don't know if you'd like or not, and if you're interested, I'll let you know.
Valley-10 chapter 24 . 6/26/2015
Pretty easy chapter I must say (nothing wrong in that :)).
Yeah, Tori asking her father about Andrew is funny hahha
Invader Johnny chapter 24 . 6/25/2015
I know its not the point of the chapter but I am so amazed that Trina made it out of HA.

Anyways Jade and Tori are getting to sweet with each other heh heh.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
COUNTESS JORI chapter 23 . 6/20/2015
Type your review here. I love ur story n i hope u complete n update soooooon!
sabooian chapter 23 . 6/19/2015
This was a really great chapter! Just one note, you keep spelling college wrong... Otherwise, fantastic job! Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Cain chapter 23 . 6/19/2015
A large portion of the chapter is randomly in bold, just FYI. Also, you say Jade is going to plan a date for Friday, but then it's Saturday and Tori is all nervous about their date. But she refers to the night before at the spa- so was that the original date that Jade meant when she said Friday and then they just decided on a Saturday date as well, unmentioned, that Tori is nervous about here? Just got a little confused there.

Things are wrapping up. Gary's her cousin, huh? Didn't see that coming. Look at you putting a positive spin on one of Dan's sadder jokes...

I lol'd at Trina's "what kind of date says 'thanks for letting me nail you'"?
Lushcoltrane chapter 23 . 6/19/2015
Nice multiple family dynamics here. And the Gary revelation was cool. I was surprised that David didn't know though. Just a symptom of too many secrets? Too many fears?
Azkadellio chapter 23 . 6/19/2015
I hate to say it, but it is kinda sad when your girlfriend's father notices the bad when no one else does. I was expecting a bit more humiliation from Henry to Trina, but he seemed to want to help, not hurt, her.

It's good that both families now realize their mistakes and are working on fixing them.

The road to recovery is long and covered with difficulties. But the drive is worth it, for the destination is peaceful.

Looking forward to the next.
megameneko707 chapter 23 . 6/19/2015
i just lose focus when jade said "daddy's home" due to a bowl of onions magically appear in front of me. just wanna say thanks for the update and please make more jori stories, maybe an AU. thanks and ciao
Valley-10 chapter 23 . 6/19/2015
Great chapter, I like that someone paid attention to Trina.
She helped a lot so it was only OK that someone help her.
Morticia Gore chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
This review should be in the ''Chapter 23''.
Okay... it was stupid of me to click on the ''post review'' bottom before I had even finished writing my review. Jammit. I wanted to say... although not very articulately, that I've always wondered whether some psychologist needed psychologists to work out their problems. Well... even the one who seems the strongest needs help sometimes.
Anyway, great chapter :D I'm glad the Vega's are working out their family problems, because... aye, absents parents make for screwed up people. Somehow it seems like Jade and Trina are going to be good friends at some point - since they both have been through a lot of difficult stuff in their lives... they both understand each other. And... well, it'd be nice for Jade to have real friends. (although I find this highly unlikely xD I can't picture them as friends)
I also liked that Henry is trying his best to reconnect with his children. I especially loved the part when he says that Susan and Edith are somewhat in control of the house now... (or that I understood) he's really trying and even though I didn't like him much at the beginning of the story... I'm starting to like him because he's grown as a character.
Can't wait to read about the little holiday in Hawaii. :D!
Sorry for the multiple reviews... :(
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