Reviews for Phantom Pains
No name chapter 1 . 7/30
Holy shit this is so good please continue I love it so much
xcandiedoll chapter 1 . 7/14
And my world was never the same as well. What a cliffhanger! I wish there was a sequel!
I shared Minato's frustrations and anxiousness from start to end. I ended up having a handful of emotions. You cant end it like that! hahahuhu *incoherent sobbing* Gib closure please haha
Great story. Beautifully crafted. I loved how very particular you are with the wordings~ Especially on Minato's part. Also, Kakashi's wounds reappearing without direct causation is disturbing and intriguing, together with its slow reveal. Makes me think its also possible for him to be under a genjutsu or something? Hmm? Something like what happened in Naruto Road to Ninja movie.
Inkdagger chapter 1 . 7/8
Holy cow, that was really something; very angsty but I liked it. I don’t see very many time tracked from a perspective like this where time travel isn’t explicitly stated- made worry for ma boi Kakashi a bit. Really nice job!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7
So do Kakashi’s wounds appear when, in the original timeline, kakashi gets the wounds? I think yes. Also great fic btw. It had me on edge the whole time.
Joanna chapter 1 . 5/28
Woahhh. Awesome. Could have been longer. But really well written.
Spirit Seer chapter 1 . 5/15
I love how the canon dimension is influencing the alternate dimension, bleeding over (pardon the pun). Minato's increasing worry carries through so well, too, because what conclusions is he supposed to reach except the ones that he does?

Such a fantastic one-shot, culminating in Obito's eye transferring over. I would think that alternate!Obito would still have both of his eyes, but that was such a wonderfully eerie conclusion. Kudos!

I do, however, wonder what Obito got Kakashi for his Jonin present in this dimension. Despite everything else that goes on in the fic, that mystery plagues me for some reason...

Thanks for a phenomenal read~
The ChocoGoat chapter 1 . 4/14
Hot dog,an eyeball! That was a great fic. Complete, I suppose, despite my yearnings. So, kakashi's wounds... Literally just appeared?
imanbutton98 chapter 1 . 2/19
Are you not going to make a sequel?
vampireacademygirls chapter 1 . 1/28
Wow how interesting!
that lad micheal chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
sis im going to cry if that's all there is oh god why did you leave us hanging AAAAAAAAAAAAA
erza3185 chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
Wow, this is so well written! It's rather long and I couldn't put down my phone until I was done.
New chapter, sometime soon I hope?
Guest chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
Que de impactada. La historia es demasiado buena, es una obra maestra. Eres increíble, no me convencían mucho los viajes en el tiempo pero lo trabajaste de manera fenomenal. Sigue escribiendo historia s tan buenas como está. Increíble trabajo
KiTsuHiTo chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
This is one hell of a great masterpiece! Thank you for sharing this story.

Now I'm left wanting to know what happens next. XD
orange.leaf.hokage chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
This was lovely.
Delicate and dangerous and slowly unveiling in the most balanced of ways.
Amazing job
RavenWingDark chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
AMAZING. thank you very much for this fic!
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