Reviews for Betwixt the Blackout Curtain
Soaring-Drag0n chapter 10 . 10/6/2017
This story is so beautifull!
sky-full-of-raindrops chapter 10 . 5/9/2016
I love it!
DarkMousyRulezAll chapter 10 . 9/24/2015

WOW WHAT A RUSH- reading that all in a few hours- oh man i gotta hurry b4 my class- but ok ok ok

You and Cake have done such a frickin fantastic job on this story and oh my freaking lord is it so amazing! You both obviously did your research and flawlessly seamed it into the Big Hero 6 world like it was always meant to be there! holY FRICK and the Onryo and Callaghan and all of the stufFF aahghghg i can't compose my thoughts into words rn but if I could hug you and your amazing friend Cake to death I would because this is truly amazing and unique and beautiful

The detail and care poured into every chapter and bit of art you both did is evident in your works and it's just breathtaking

After my class and other activities im gonna binge read The Dead Bury Themselves and I know it'll be just as stupendous, or even better, than its predecessor.

SunMoonKunochi chapter 10 . 6/6/2015
Holy hell is this story amazing? Congratulations on creating such a masterpiece and a mash up of crazy and fascinating ideas; I mean, mechanics and magic? Awesome! You honestly don't have enough credit for such a wonderful story; you should have at least 200 reviews for this bad boy, honestly! Just absolutely brilliant work, man.
Thank you so much for this story.
AliceStoneheart chapter 10 . 4/15/2015
This was perfect. I still felt bad about Abigail, but it was PERFECT. I nearly cried.
Stars in the Sky at Noon chapter 10 . 4/11/2015
Oh man-this story is incredible! I literally read the whole thing in one go, just now, though I should be doing homework. But this entire thing is amazing!
I really admire how you combined folklore to turn this story into a supernatural thing-even the alterations made to the story were perfect, just perfect.
The idea of a sequel has me clapping my hands, squealing, and jumping up and down! It's like I'm six years old again. I love the idea of even Mochi and Mrs. Matsuda being a part of this crazy supernatural world, with the Hamada bros right smack in the middle of it all!
Keep up the amazing work!
mecaka chapter 10 . 3/16/2015
This is a great fic! :) I loved everything about it! Thanks for posting!
A Sky Bison chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
Thanks for such an awesome fanfiction. I loved all your ideas of this mythical world. Finally Tadashi and Hiro managed to talk but I hope that in the future Hiro sees Tadashi when he developes his powers. Again, thanks for writing this.
Wolfwind97 chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
*cries* It's over... *wipes away the tears*
I love this story! Amazing job! I love how Tadashi was finally able to talk to Hiro. I immediately began to cry at that part. So sad, but amazing at the same time! I absolutely love this! Oh my gosh... My poor heart... Hope to see more of your fics soon! Thanks for writing such an awesome story!
ashsmash95 chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
That. Was. Awesome
I kinda sorta shed a tiny tear at the end where it's conveyed they used to talk to each other before falling asleep (me and my little sis do that from time to time) and it made me happy that he found a way to actually talk to his bro again ;; I really loved this story, and I loved learning a bit more about the Japanese folklore in this, it was really cool
I'm so happy I got to read this amazing piece of fic! Ahhhh! xD thank you guys so much for taking time out if your lives to make it incredible :] chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
O.O i loved
:) ;( : D
GoldenGriffiness chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
Oooh a griffin :D I love em, if you can't tell from the name
This story was phenomenal and I can't wait to see more of your work! I do wonder if everything was ever explained to Aunt Cass though
Guest chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
So beautiful! I actually started tearing up!
SerialSquared chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
Alright. I am just. Wow.
this fanfic is absolutely wonderful. I really love how there is so much Japanese culture or folklore in it. I've seen a few supernatural type fics like this, but they've all been very western. I was so happy to stumble upon this, I just asdfjkl.
While part of me is sad that Tadashi wasn't completely visible to Hiro yet, the wrapped up very nicely. Not gonna lie, I teared up reading this chapter. Should you make a sequel... well, I really don't know how to finish that sentence. The story right here is so nice that a sequel might hamper with it. But, I almost want a story where we could see the Nerd Team just kinda watching with humored faces as Hiro high-fives the air beside him because he can see Tadashi but the others can't. I don't know. I just want the Hamadabros to be together again /crais.
Now that it's complteted, I want to go back and reread this story, just so I can find all the tidbits I missed, and maybe make a more complete review that's more than my feel'd up fangirling. And a glossary would be way fun, I think.
Sorry if the review has misspellings or grammar issues or such! I'm typing on mobile so it's a bit weird. Thank you again for sharing this fic!
Dixie Darlin chapter 10 . 3/15/2015
omg that ending *tears of joy* this was a beautiful fic, thank you for writing it, definitely the best bh6 fic I've read
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