Reviews for Young Love in Old - Fashioned America
Emerald Star73 chapter 19 . 6/8/2017
I really like how the death of Carlisle's and Esme's first baby brought Carlisle closer to his father and Esme closer to her mother. It also adds depth to their characters, showing that they are much more than a rigid, controlling man and a nagging, cranky woman. Of course, you had already shown that earlier as their relationships had already started improving, but this brings it out even more.

I'm glad that Esme did not jump off a cliff. Losing her baby was, of course, extremely traumatic for her, but having a loving husband like Carlisle as well as better support from her mother makes a huge difference.

"Edward squirmed a little" - I don't think I've ever come across that phrase in fanfiction before. :) But, then, I think this is probably the first infant Edward I've come across.

As you said, this chapter was bittersweet, but I think it was the perfect ending for this story. I'm looking forward to reading your sequel, but it may be a week or more before I get started because I have some real-life things I need to get caught up on, and once I start a good story it's difficult for me to focus on other things until I've read every chapter. :)
Emerald Star73 chapter 18 . 6/5/2017
As soon as the white-haired man stood up, I wondered if it might be his father. I'm so glad he came after all. Does he live nearby?

The wedding photographer was a great idea. That was very thoughtful of the guests who contributed to it.

Did they ever find the gold band that rolled away? And did Carlisle's father intend that they could keep the ring that was Carlisle's mother's, Or did they give it back before leaving the restaurant?

Anyway, the wedding was lovely! And their marriage is off to a wonderful start in their new home. The dancing to help with the awkwardness was a great idea - something they were already familiar with to ease them into the increased physical closeness.
Emerald Star73 chapter 17 . 6/5/2017
I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the house, more than the squeaky stairs, since it said "Carlisle thought he finally found one." I hope they don't end up with an unpleasant surprise after they move in. Termites, maybe? I know we're near the end of the story, though, so maybe the house will be okay.

I'm also wondering if Carlisle is getting advice from anyone, perhaps his mentor or Eleazar, like the advice Esme was getting from her mother.
Emerald Star73 chapter 15 . 6/5/2017
The response Esme wrote to Carlisle was perfect - exactly what he needed to hear.

No, I would say that he wouldn't mind at all when she initiated a kiss. :)

It's so nice seeing the improvements in Esme's relationship with her mother. It must have been very hard for her mother to admit she had been wrong and apologize like that.
Emerald Star73 chapter 14 . 6/5/2017
The proposal was so sweet, especially when he knelt down in front of her. I'm glad they managed to find a moment to themselves-well sort of...I think her father may have been observing them. :) The kiss was very sweet as well.
Emerald Star73 chapter 13 . 6/5/2017
The picture is a great idea. At first, I thought she was going to give him one of the sketches she had made of him, but the church is a good idea too. Maybe when their relationship has developed a little more, she might show him the sketcehs she's done of him - including the ones from before they began courting. :)

I'm glad Esme started the conversation about Dr. Parrino, and that Carlisle was able to assure her that she was more important to him.

I understand Carlisle being upset about her drinking alcohol, especially considering his recent personal experience with it as well as probably treating patients who were alcoholics, but I think he could have gotten through to her better if he had been able to maintain the calm, gentle approach he normally has.

The letters were a good idea. I think it gave each of the the ability to think through exactly what they wanted to say to explain their perspectives. I assume this is the first time they told each other "I love you"?

It is realistic that there will be important issues they disagree on, but if they can work through them, it can make their relationship even stronger.
Emerald Star73 chapter 12 . 6/5/2017
That was sweet how he remember her interest in the church building. I was starting to wonder if he might be taking her there to propose, since it was where their social relationship began, but I guess they aren't quite ready for that yet. I'm not sure how long courtships usually lasted.

Aro was the perfect name for Dr. Parrino. While not blatantly evil and punitive like Caius, he's definitely a bad role model for Carlisle in certain ways, while helping him in others. And he seems to enjoy setting himself above other people. I'm so glad Carlisle knows his own mind well enough not to be swayed by his mentor in matters of love and faith.

I really liked how Esme felt comfortable enough to ask Carlisle to share whatever had been bothering him, and how he decided to share it with her. It's nice to see them further developing their emotional closeness and trust.
Emerald Star73 chapter 11 . 6/5/2017
It's endearing how worried Carlisle is about the dance. And the way he is out of his comfort zone here helps things be even more equal between them.

Yes, I'm sure the Coke was much safer once they stopped putting cocaine in it. LOL

This was a nice visit with her family. It would be difficult for any of them to dislike Carlisle, though her mother seems to be doing her best.
Emerald Star73 chapter 10 . 6/5/2017
"Charles...something" - This really makes me smile. She's already forgotten his last name!

I'm glad Esme told Carlisle her fears that he didn't want to be seen with her in public so they could talk through it. They are communicating well with each other. It was also nice to have something that Esme is better at than him, so she can teach him - and as you said, make things more equal. And I had wondered when he first looked uncomfortable about dancing if it was something his father frowned upon - that's a very realistic reason why he wouldn't have any experience with it.
Emerald Star73 chapter 9 . 6/4/2017
The first paragraph really gets across how dejected poor Carlisle is feeling. :(

I'm not liking "drunk Carlisle" too much. Fortunately Carlisle he seems to be learning from this mistake. His father wasn't wrong about everything!

I like how Esme is noticing the warning signs about Charles. I'm kinda hoping she won't actually marry him.

Yes, the end of this chapter was much better. ;) Carlisle must be ecstatic!

I need to get some sleep now but I will plan to read more tomorrow.
Emerald Star73 chapter 8 . 6/4/2017
And there's Charles. I was wondering when/if he was going to show up. I'm still not sure how much you plan to include him, but I know she has to end up with Carlisle eventually. :)

I'm not clear why Esme turned him down at the end of the chapter. Is it because of Mrs. Bishop's attitude? Or she truly feels unworthy of him even though she knows he's already well aware that she's a farmer's daughter?
Emerald Star73 chapter 7 . 6/4/2017
Yay! She gets to go to the girls' school...and be closer to Carlsile!

I have a feeling that four-year-old is going to be challenging!

I'm wondering if at some point Carlisle might discover all the drawings Esme did of him. :)

The lawyer is about Dr. CUllen's age? I'm wondering if Mr. Bishop might decide to look through Esme's sketchpad and recognize the drawings of Carlisle.

She seems to be managing Samuel pretty well. And the Bishops seem to be treating her reasonably well. I was a little worried that they might turn out to be not quite as nice as her father thought they would be.

I'm glad she and Carlisle got to talk to each other at church. I had been wondering if he might be there when it was first mentioned that Esme was going to church with the Bishops. Hopefully they will get to talk more on future Sundays.
Emerald Star73 chapter 6 . 6/4/2017
I laughed at Esme still taking Camille up on her offer to help with laundry even though she wasn't going for the walk with Michael. :)

"I hope you find someone to do that with" - Poor Nurse Childs. LOL He said the nicest thing possible, but it probably crushed her.

Esme and Carlisle are both thinking of one another. Now they just need an excuse to see each other again.
Emerald Star73 chapter 5 . 6/4/2017
I love how you have Esme imagining Carlisle with his arms open, encouraging her to walk.

I also really like how Carlisle's memories of Esme are helping him with the difficult task of getting children cooperate with vaccines.
Emerald Star73 chapter 4 . 6/4/2017
I'm wondering how they will have a chance to meet again. Will he simply decide to try to court her? Or will it be years before they meet again, like in canon? Don't answer that - I will keep reading. :) Maybe Carlisle will find a way for her to go to that finishing school.
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