Reviews for Camouflage
Tecwyn chapter 52 . 6/27
Just re-read your story and it is amazing. The characters are well written and the plot is an emotional rollercoaster I wish you would write another. Thank you
tigerlily124 chapter 52 . 12/15/2019
Great story! Thank you very much!
MajesticTaySlime chapter 52 . 10/19/2019
This is no doubt one of the best fanficitons I have ever read. It inflicted such emotion in me, I'm sad its over, but very happy with the ending. I was practically glued to my phone for the better part of a week, reading and reading until I was forced to put it down. Please, continue writing. Continue to bless the world with your work. I love this fic and will definitely be reading it again in the future! And you structured your original characters so well, I absolutely loved Deondre and Wallenstien! Donna was great too, and P.J. made for a great villain. When Charlie got called to trial, I actually wanted to scream; just to give you some reference on my emotional investment. I just... Love this so much. I'm sad to see it end, but man did I adore the ride! Thank you. Thank you for this. I never realized how much I needed more Eppes brother interaction, so again, thank you.
Guest chapter 52 . 7/7/2018
lenghty but very good
Tecwyn chapter 52 . 9/10/2017
Wow what a roller coaster ride. Amazing story couldn't put it down.
Iuvsbruce chapter 52 . 7/22/2017
Again, your writing leaves me practically speechless. This is some of the best writing I've come across! And, believe me, I read a lot! And I don't just mean fanfiction, but fiction in general. You are on my favorite authors list and so are most of your stories. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I don't normally read such multi-chapter fics, but yours are worth the time. God bless you!
marina chapter 52 . 5/29/2017
solo querĂ­a decir felicitaciones todas sus historias son maravillosas y las vuelvo a leer cada tiempo
StarfyreMaiden chapter 13 . 3/4/2017
Sue chapter 52 . 1/3/2017
Great story one of the best I have read you captured the brothers prefectly
Anjion chapter 52 . 9/13/2016
I really loved the ending and Charlie and Don's conversation by the koi pond. I also find your stories rather addictive! I love the buzz!
Gianna di Fiori chapter 52 . 8/24/2016
Wow, what an emotional roller coaster this story was! The angst and the inner turmoil the brothers Eppes suffered was truly engrossing, all on top of the terrible physical pain they suffered at the hands of quite the assortment of diabolical wretches.

Another great job on this one, Serialgal! It is just wonderful that you continue to write such fantastic Numb3rs stories, especially when they revolve around the earlier seasons. The personalities of the brothers, the interaction with Alan, Larry, Amita and Don's team seemed more complicated and intriguing than in later seasons.
Chonnumb3rs chapter 2 . 7/11/2016
So good
Guest chapter 46 . 4/10/2016
I'm most of the way through this story and Inhabe to say it's been the most gripping Numb3rs fic I've read anywhere, and also one of the best-written fanfictions I've ever read! You have quite a talent.
Guest chapter 52 . 11/23/2015
Maravilloso escriba mas historias las amo
Pegasus Sword Master chapter 52 . 9/22/2015
Wow... This was incredible. The emotional roller coaster that the brothers went through was incredibly well-written.
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