Reviews for Bump in the Night
Vadercat chapter 25 . 5/18
I'd like to see a wedding, with all the fixins and the wedding jitters and of course a juicy story line to go with it! Great job on the story!
Vadercat chapter 4 . 5/17
I think in this chapter, 4, you forgot about Tony's injuries and that he might be needing surgery. You have him jumping into a safe house without resol ing that issue.
Hainbuche chapter 25 . 3/27/2019
eine der besten geschichten die ich je zu diesem pairing gelesemn habe. echt empfehlenswert. ne menge spannung, tibbs und action und das drum herum passt auch. wow. lg hayne
Msdib chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
I like your version of Gibbs! It is good to see what he could be like. Thanks for the story!
barbaravitoriatp chapter 25 . 9/30/2016
Referências à parte adorei a fanfic. Esse último capítulo mais do que os outros. Jethro e Tony são uns amores, a relação deles cresceu tanto nos últimos anos ao longo da série, até o momento que removeram o Tony do programa. Mas voltando a fanfic Fornell é uma graça, sempre trazendo comida ruim para os rapazes, mesmo eles dizendo que é horrível de se engolir. Gostei que os meninos trocaram de posição e descobriram que alternar entre ativo e passivo é maravilhoso para eles. E o que mais gostei foi enfim o jogo ter acabado e a Abbys falando de casamento u.u não podia esquecer do Tony cantarolando.
bobdog54 chapter 25 . 1/13/2016
I had been thinking about this story and the "happy times in the chair" and then it got recc'd somewhere and I took that as a message from the story gods. At least, I think that is how I wandered back here.

I am so glad I made the trip! Excellent story with suspense, sex and excellent characters. All of the players were well drawn and added to the depth of the story.

This goes back on my "keep it forever" pile for enjoyment later on.

Oh, I loved the naked staycation...
Guest chapter 25 . 5/27/2015
Thank you for the story... it was very enjoyable.
PhoenixRising360 chapter 25 . 5/29/2015
Great story, enjoyed it very much; loved the case, the relationship build. Very well written.
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 25 . 5/25/2015
Oh wow loved the ending . Great job and hmm I would so love to see their wedding.. So well written. Thank you
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 24 . 5/25/2015
Oh wow just when it seemed like Kaiser was going away for good now another wrinkle. Somehow I missed this chapter , bad me ha ha : gibbsslap: very good job, must read the end now
MyShame7 chapter 25 . 5/24/2015
Bottom Gibbs is always so fun to write. Also very difficult to write! I like that you gave him control here, it worked to keep the character from being overly feminized or too submissive. And of course, out of control begging Gibbs is soooo hot!

Great story. Glad you were able to wrap it all up nice and neat. I know what a tremendous struggle it is! Always looking forward to your next story.
MyShame7 chapter 24 . 5/24/2015
Mmm...delicious on the job auto erotica. I love it! Man, I think I want Kaiser to go away just as much as the team. Let everyone get some peace already! Tibbs needs some time to get it on. I keep thinking you're at the end of the story (I thought it was done about 5 chapters back, sorry!) but you just keep adding new twists and turns!
lisa chapter 25 . 5/21/2015
one of the best stories i've read on here! :)
Guest chapter 25 . 5/21/2015
So that was Kaiser's plan all along? To take his own life? That man was NUTS! Great story.
Ziver69 chapter 25 . 5/22/2015
A great ending to a wonderful tale. There seems to be an onslaught of Jethro getting his home destroyed and rebuilding/Jethro also being a bottom for Tony stories and I am in heaven!
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