Reviews for Little Glass Bullet
Yla chapter 1 . 12/15/2016
Okay, I thought this was an AU in which Riza really has stepsisters, she's being slaved by her stepmom, she lives in a countryhouse, and all those Cinderella shenanigans, but this one's 1000x better! :) I was not expecting this kind of story. Actually, I was kind of confused at first, but while I was reading, I saw how you incorporated Cinderella in the FMA setting. This is such an excellent piece. The only criticism that I can point out were the typos, but they weren't that bad to keep me from reading. I hope more people would read this. Thanks for sharing your story! :)
SwampThirtyFour chapter 1 . 10/3/2015
That was very sweet. I like how it all played out. Keep up the good work!
animika123 chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
OMG OMG OMG OMG I can't even fathom how FRIKIN GREAT THIS ONESHOT FANFIC IS OMG bro... I'm in tears. Not only is this fanfic AMAZING just... The way you told Cinderella's story in such a way that fit Roy and Riza WAS SO GOOOOOOD OHMYGOD I can't I can't I can't explain how beautiful this is I love how you made Riza stay true to her character and how you didn't make her look like a helpless maid and I love how the glass slipper was a FRIKIN GLASS GUN THAT WAS GENIUS OMYGOD this whole story was just magical to say the least every bit of this oneshot I loved IT WAS SO FRIKING IN CHARACTER I FELT LIKE THIS PERSUADED ME TO THINK IT WAS CANON good job bro well done you are frikin awesome
Ice Maiden Olivier chapter 1 . 1/31/2015
Awww I am fangirling out so much right now :D seriously, I am adding this to my favorites and a huge thank you to bringing a much needed smile to my face x
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
Great great great great love oh my god so good I died
CapitalD chapter 1 . 1/29/2015
It was sweet :) Great work!
I like to think Riza would've just kicked Kimblee's ass because she's badass, but being a damsel in distress for Roy will have to do too, lol.