Reviews for I Can Hear The Drums
furyfox13 chapter 61 . 9/13/2018
furyfox13 chapter 61 . 9/13/2018
Ms.Natalia Barton chapter 62 . 10/5/2016
I... I just... Oh. My. GOODNESS...! What could I ever possibly say that could summarize all the emotions I have felt during this crazy-yet-o-so-wonderful ride? Not much. I am genuinely, absolutely, utterly, and truly speechless with what you have done with this story you have created, here. It has pulled me right into a tearful, yet, exiting ride, that I have missed quite dearly... Half the time, I have found my eyes suspiciously moist and teary as I read. Then... Then, I suddenly discover such a buffoon-like grin on my face; that the Cheshire cat's grin would only appear to look like a simple tiny smirk. I am so, so, very much in l.o.v.e. with all these stories you have. Thank you, for these delightful, wonderful, well written journeys and adventures you have brought us through. As always, 'till next time: Over and... Out!
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 62 . 2/10/2016
EEEEE! Not sure if I left a review back when you had the Avengers High story up, so let me just say it is the most FABULOUS idea ever. I have never seen an actual in-depth description of classes and subject matter described for a fictional world, however interesting it may be, that actually could hold people's attention like yours did. I SO want to go to school there now :D sounds like they actually LEARN important stuff, ya know? Like languages. I love how important languages are in your stories. All the kids and their constant bantering, oh my! They make quite a 'team'. Well, I suppose they haven't really had any experiences that officially make them start acting like a team yet, so THAT would be awesome to see. I LOVE Natasha's Black Widow shining through in the official high school debriefing there (: And Clint helicoptering over his baby girl. So cute. I love how she isn't a perfect child, she's just downright awesome like one would expect. And she isn't just like Natasha or Clint either, but she's her own person. I find it hard to believe Sam and Peter had kids around the same time as everyone else did... I guess there really was a baby boom... And I'm SO EXCITED for what kind of trouble Tony and Clint are going to get into next! *gasp* this means Clint can prank so many people on Earth... oh my. Is everyone else still doing Fight Night in his memory? I'm sure they are! He should totally just show up in a mask and fight anonymously and make some crazy dramatic reveal to everyone. All the mutants he saved, Kate, other heroes, etc. It would be so. epic.
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 61 . 2/10/2016
Reason I haven't reviewed this yet is because there's just so. much. How do I say it all? You've already said it in here! This is AMAZING! It seems weird that Clint has a new wolf, because honestly, who could ever replace that sweetie Arrow? But Flint is a totally different wolf and that makes it okay. SO MANY AVENGERS BABIES! I love it! And I adore their little living situation. It's so full of love from everyone they know. About time Clint and Natasha had something special like that to call their own. I'm sad that Clint and Rinon are still hurt, but it's certainly to be expected. Leading into another story, of course (; Loki fighting over Gamora with Quill is definitely something I approve of ! Such comedians, those two omg. Loki would HATE that I called him a comedian. The great thing about the end of the chapter was that you showed that, even while there are horrors on Earth, the real thing that matters is that they're all still together, looking out for each other and enjoying the time that they have.
Aside from this chapter, I'm starting to develop a theory that Clint is a quarter elvish-but I'm sure you're aware of where I got that from (:
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 60 . 1/22/2016
Noooooo! Although, for real, why didn't they just wait for him to heal up completely first?
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 59 . 1/22/2016
Hit me at "I'm your Daddy!" And seven thousand times before that even happened, obviously. Leave it to the Avengers to get into a food fight on Alfhemeir. Will he be able to leave though, when he's been so injured? Hm. AHHHH! Freaking out! What am I going to do with my life after I finish this?
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 58 . 1/22/2016
That was amazing! Of course he would never want to leave. But how did Clint gain that ability to see all that the Elves see? Frigga always said he must be Asgardian, and now it's as if he's Elvenkind, too. Ha, well! We always knew he was special!
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 57 . 1/22/2016
That was just-the most beautiful display of brotherly love I've ever read. Good for Tony. More great character development.
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 56 . 1/22/2016
Rinon! And Clint lives!?
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 55 . 1/22/2016
Oh my gosh! Here I thought this was finished! I must confess I was dead-set on wanting Clint to come bursting in the hospital after Rinon, totally healed and grinning away to watch all the Avengers faint in shock when he ran up to his baby girl, but I guess that wouldn't be very realistic. *sigh*. Clint's deaf again! Back to square one!
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 54 . 1/22/2016
What will they do? Poor Lirrie!
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 53 . 1/22/2016
Linnor! So many elves dying ): it would be hard for Clint to live with that.
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 52 . 1/22/2016
Trying not to freak out! How do you write this good!?
I just realized I've left maybe 50-odd reviews on this. Yikes.
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 51 . 1/22/2016
I can't breathe!
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