Reviews for Rock of Gibraltar
Guest chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
Hope to see more added to this and/or a sequel.
Saul Good chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
*clap clap clap* I've sat and read all your buffy related fics and this by far was your best work. The mini character study you write here was compelling, thoughtful and almost sweet.

You do good work.
Power Puncher chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
The idea was interesting and well written, and I'll cover my thoughts on the story as a whole more toward the end of this review. But first I have to touch on what, to me, felt like the worst and weakest part of this story: making Xander a watered down Grimm Lite.

It really did the story no favors, in my opinion. It just stinks of the constant weakening of Xander that they did in the show, in order to make the powered people look better. Only here he's making the OC look better, rather than Buffy, Willow, and the Souled Vamp of the Week, by showing how much the poor, useless Xander needs his Slayer meatshield to keep his internal organs on the internal side.

I mean, Xander went from things like somewhat holding his own in one on one vampire fights, stopping a zombie gang by himself, giving Angelus a beat down to save Buffy and then making him back down to save her again, and pulling off magic with no effort that Willow claimed took tons of focus and practice to achieve, to things like getting in slap fights with Harmony the Bimbo Vampire and being mostly, though not ENTIRELY, useless background noise, toward the end.

The idea that he becomes a Grimm and gets shafted with that, too... I just don't like it.

So instead I'm going to just assume that Xander's being a Grimm Lite was just Willow's interpretation of things, and instead it goes like in the show: the Grimms seem to get more powerful, the more the live through.

Because Nick seems to have both gotten stronger over time AND gained more abilities from the things he was exposed to. Right now, Xander's still really new to it, so he seems on the weak side when compared to Slayers and stronger Wesen. Given time, that should no longer be the case.

But that gripe aside, I like the idea. I also like the crossover with Grimm. There are not many of those around (yet?), so it's definitely nice to see another one. So kudos on that.

And while I would have liked to see it touch more on the Grimm side of things, or maybe a sequel that does so, it was a good start. Though it does feel like an unfinished story or series, at the moment. As a standalone, it just feels incomplete. However as a START to a story or a series of oneshots, it is pretty solid.

Over all, nicely done.