Reviews for Then, Now, and Always
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 2/15
Cool of course
Sonanoka21093 chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
What a great little story. Few would address the battle is such a way. I applaud you for handling it in such a moving way; I wasn't moved, but I can recognize that it would move others. Especially fans of the two of them.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
If her sword was pure iron it would be brittle and unusable.
Mimic Teruyo chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
Damn! And also aww! Very evocative prose, I have to say.

[Beneath her, Suwako can feel the thin layer of soil, then the fractured rocks beneath them, and past even those, the monolithic granite that makes up the roots of Youkai Mountain. She sifts through it until she finds what she's looking for. Near the surface, along the ancient shore of the lake, there's a band of iron-rich rock. She keeps her attention on it as she rises back to standing, then gestures toward the sky, coaxing the rock upward. Initial, tentative cracks spread through it, then larger ones, then it finally shatters and begins burrowing to the surface. The ground shifts and bursts open in front of her. Kilograms of hand-sized stones levitate out of the hole and come to rest between her hands.]

The description here is especially fantastic.

Overall, I really enjoyed this. Keep on rocking!