Reviews for Always and Forever
stevem1 chapter 48 . 7/30
The writing (spelling, grammar) is excellent.

A good percentage of the plot is excellent.

But this is not a realistic or honest relationship story toward the end. If Harry had any sense of self worth, he’d be either a dark lord or out of Hogwarts and away from these toxic people (and really, all of Britain) in a hot flash. At a minimum, Hermione and Seamus would never get within a 100’ of him, and Ron and Dumbledore would be dead.

But it doesn’t appear that a Harry has any self worth. He actually apologizes to Hermione after she ditches him and dates other people for ‘his own good’. Which begs the question of why anyone would love him or follow him. He’s a zero and zeroes don’t inspire confidence in anyone. Zeroes are used, abused, and thrown away (which is probably Dumbledore’s goal). Much like what Hermione and his ‘friends’ did.

Relationships are built on trust. Trust created by actions, not mere words. In the case of Hermione and others, in a realistic or honest relationship, it will always be a case of were you lying to me then or are you lying to me now.

The soul bond toward the end seems like emergency resuscitation for the story, deus ex machina, to prove in story love and trust which would never exist in a ‘realistic or honest relationship’.

If you like angst, this is 5/5 stars. It lost the adventure/romance many chapters ago.
Flaming heart and soul chapter 1 . 7/30
Hi Lorelover,
I've read lots and lots of fanfiction on the Harry and Hermione pairing, and I am totally in love with the way their characters just click. I think I've read at least 20 full-length stories, and I can confidently say that Always and Forever is one of my favourites. The way that Harry and Hermione come together in this story doesn't feel forced at all, and their relationship grows at a natural pace as they share new experiences. Although there has been some readers who are against Hermione's actions in breaking up with Harry, and I understand that, but I feel that the experience only allowed them to grow even closer, and realise that they needed each other as much as they needed a beating heart.
I think I've been reading for about 3 hours non stop now... The story is just that addictive and beautiful.
The only issue I have is that the next chapter isn't uploaded yet!
Hope to see the next chapter, and the next, and the next... We'll, I think we get the idea
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful story, and I've loved every single minute of it.
-Flaming heart and soul
Fyr RedNight chapter 48 . 7/19
This story is absolutely amazing!

I just love how you handle the plot and the characters. Especially our two newly bonded Soul Mates.
They are so sweet and amazing! I can't wait to see what you have in mind next for them.

Sure there's been quite a bit of lows, but the resulting highs are more than worth the journey!
I'm totally in fanboy mode right now.
This story is so much what I would have wished to see in canon and on the big screen!

Truly, your writing is captivating...

I very much look forward to read the next of this brilliant and fantastic story!
jesus caballero chapter 40 . 7/14
you ruined a beautiful story. I say goodbye to this.
Druto chapter 4 . 7/12
Damn bro awesome Inc
Druto chapter 3 . 7/12
Druto chapter 2 . 7/10
"J.K. Rowling created a magical romance, sadly she herself couldn't see it."

I couldn't agree so much more...
Hits right in the gut.
Druto chapter 1 . 7/9
SerpentGlass chapter 48 . 6/24
Please tell me that: A) Dumbledore gets what he deserves (and maybe a bit more punishment? I don't like him all that much, with his manipulations and all), B) Ron doesn't become friends with Harry and Hermione (because he was an *ss friend, and what he did to Hermione!, and, again, I don't like him that much), C) Draco makes the right choice, and D) That you will post soon. Because this is an amazing story.
Harmony Fan chapter 25 . 6/24
If I ever met Vernon Dursley, knowing what he did to Harry, I wouldn’t have wasted my time with my hands, I would’ve hexed him so badly even St Mungo’s wouldn’t be able to help him. If he laid hands on Hermione, he would be rotting from the inside, bit by bit, and he’d be immortal, never able to get a respite (is that the right word?).
George Cristian810 chapter 10 . 6/24
This chapter with ron put me out of your story .
ryanevelynkneiding chapter 48 . 6/22
I love the direction you have taken! I felt real angst for Harry and Hermione, and I think being able to get these kind of emotions out of a reader is amazing and I love what you've done! (even if I was super worried about them both)
Shadowhunter314 chapter 48 . 6/19
Just caught up to your story today while browsing for some harmony fics. Amazing Job! Also, don't do what other people want you to do, you are writing this story for fun! I love what you are doing with the story! Keep it up and update soon!
firedragonhide chapter 1 . 6/19
you just dont do somthing like that to the person you love i read the last 13 or so chapters in tiny bits because i couldnt read the f*ckery you made out of them.

you would go to them and thell them that you had to hide it
or make it seem like it was real but not just start doing this.

if someone would do that to me i would possibly kill myself
and i wasnt abused and treated like shit the first 11 years of my life.I dont know what is going on in your head but this is sick. just Stop

Dumbledooroh no you cant be with him"

Hermoineoh i guess your right"

everything goes to shit and then somehow the like each other again i call bullsh*t on that
General Mac chapter 48 . 6/14
Brilliant thanks hope you are stay safe.
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