Reviews for Calm Before the Storm
Ash Lightwood. Shadowhunter chapter 34 . 8/26
Ngl, I can't wait to see Peter Pan react to Lyssa. She tends to have a way of charming villains
UnknownMagik chapter 7 . 6/9
I think it would be cool if you had a whole story that was just your thoughts and kind of this stuff that you talk about with female perceptions and mary sues and stuff, I would definitely read that
alanafowler58 chapter 1 . 5/17
When are you going to put the second part of this story on here?
Guest chapter 24 . 5/2
You’re writing a graham Oc?! I’m never gonna catch up with all the rereading I have to do... jk! Looking forward to reading it!
Confuzzeled chapter 8 . 4/30
Ok... so I’ve been confused this entire time and it’s like my third time reading this story (I have forgotten almost everything). Did Lyssa join the crew before or after the curse took hold? Cause if it was after, then how would Hook have found her? He made a deal with Regina didn’t he? So she would have needed to be on the ship and with them before the curse, even if they were frozen. Also, Smee is in storybrook in season one. He meets up with Killian after Killian finds a way to get to the land without magic. So, how could he be in the enchanted forest a month before Emma and Snow arrive in the enchanted forest? Not to mention that Hook and Lyssa are abandoning the crew in the enchanted forest?!
On that note, it never made sense to me how Killian was able to steer the ship to storybrook with the help of the magic bean (and then later to New York) without a crew. I mean, he has an entire crew to help manage the ship and he suddenly is capable of being everywhere and doing everything by himself? It never made sense.
If you know the answer to any of my questions, that would be helpful. Thx! Love this story and I hope you continue updating!
ehluvr3 chapter 34 . 4/30
I'm so happy you're back! I'll have to catch up on all of your other open stories now too, and I look forward to it. I'll always be reading, no longer how long you go away for, so I hope you never stop writing! :D
Onlybooksandchocolate chapter 16 . 4/27
Okay, wow this is the first time in my whole life that I have cried so much during reading, the way you wrote this is so heartbreaking and the relationship Regina and Lyssa have is truly beautiful
Onlybooksandchocolate chapter 3 . 4/26
Okay so I have zero idea what is going on. I never saw the show. But, I always like your OC’s so I will give it a shot... just might need to see at least the first few episodes sothat I actually know what the hell is going on
Guest chapter 9 . 4/17
Are you ever going to finish your other OUAT series?
Izzy chapter 1 . 4/15
I meant black fairy and gidion storyline.
Izzy chapter 34 . 4/14
Also what were your thoughts on the season 6 storyline overall.
Izzy chapter 34 . 4/14
In season 6 of OUAT what did you think of the black fairy and vision storyline. Were you shocked when you found out who the black fairy was to rumple?
Adela chapter 34 . 4/5
I love the chapter
OneWhoReadsTooMuch chapter 34 . 4/5
I full on appreciate that while Lyssa looks on the bright side she's also aware of the reality around her. Yes, she's thrilled that Henry is talking to Regina but she's aware of how often he flip flops with his emotions. I also don't like how the show seems to imply that Henry had a HORRIBLE life before he found the book. That Regina was just all over a terrible mother to him. It's never been stated but what exactly (outside of the book telling him Regina Evil Queen) made Henry decide 'this woman isn't my Mother so let's go find my birth mom'? Also I don't know if they ever explained why some people have magic and others don't (is it like a random mutant x-gene?), but it is a good question of how does Lyssa have magic? Snow and Charming don't have magic but Emma does and Henry doesn't(?).
NicoleR85 chapter 34 . 4/5
Another great chapter. I really can't wait to read how Lyssa will handle Peter Pan. I can't wait to read the next season.
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