Reviews for Amelia and the Time Traveling Physicist
Domik mechtanij chapter 1 . 8/28
Хоть сама я и не в силах полностью понять текст, но переводчик с этим конечно справился. Меня очень огорчает то, что этого шедевра нет в официальной русской адаптации. но, ни суть важно. Хоть уже и прошло пять, хоть автор возможно и забыл всё, я прочитав пока только первую главу уже хочу от всей души поблагодарить автора. И тех немногих людей которые готовы воплотить каждую мелочь из сериала в жизнь. Может я и не могу понять всех шуток, всех каламбуров и всего подобного из-за карявого перевода, я мечтатель. И мечтаю я о том, что-бы на земле оставались такие же люди как вы, автор.
VioletLites chapter 1 . 7/24
I’ve been rewatching the show and just watched this episode again and I was like “I wander...” and searched and low and behold there’s your fic and I started laughing and I’m so excited to read this. I’ll let you k ow what I think when I finish! Thank you for writing it :D
Lilysstrawberryfield chapter 4 . 4/25
Ahhhh Coopmelia is my second favourite ship! This is amazing and oh my god so much angst and love and sweetness! The love they have for each other and just the promise of a world with him!
Lilysstrawberryfield chapter 3 . 4/25
Oh this was physically painful! The moment in the prairie eating fruit is just too cute and then watching the clouds and baking bread... she gave him her wedding ring! Oh my god this is so good!
Lilysstrawberryfield chapter 2 . 4/25
Oh Amelia! She is falling so hard for her Time Traveller, it is so sweet! The bath moment was so sweet and sexy and then Amelia’s bath... he heard! This is so good!
Lilysstrawberryfield chapter 1 . 4/25
This was funny and so lovely! Awww Amelia and Cooper this is soo good!
Zeezeewrites chapter 4 . 4/15
Omgeee I’ve been looking for someone to create that fanfic Amy created! Thank you for making this! Feels like im inside TBBT universe and reading amy’s fanfic lol
Gideon Crop chapter 4 . 3/7
I'm totally digging the Coopmelia. This is creative and well-written. Thank you.
josue chapter 1 . 3/4
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10
Love this.
wish you would write more.
sprk chapter 4 . 11/5/2019
OMG someone actually done that , and it is beautifull . Thank you Amy.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
I'm already enjoying it. I was bored and I have been watching big bang recently and wondered if somebody had written Amy's story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2019
It's cool
bauers374 chapter 1 . 7/23/2019
Oh yes.. I just watched the episode yesterday and thought, "I'd honestly read that, It's not as bad as some fanfics I've suffered through *cough*Spiderses*cough
CalvinHobbesGatsby chapter 4 . 6/13/2019
This was freaking amazing, well done indeed
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