Reviews for Course
Bob the builder chapter 3 . 5/16/2019
Now I fix things but I have to destroy this
Vi-Violence chapter 11 . 6/21/2017
This is great!
Guest chapter 11 . 10/11/2015
Glad to see you back. I noticed though that you spelled Yoriko as Yuriko when it's spelled with an O not a U. Other than that I'm excited to see where you take this.
Delta Marauder chapter 11 . 10/11/2015
Interesting development, update soon, and keep up the good work.
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 11 . 10/11/2015
Welcome back girl! Thank you so much for the chapter! And this the roller coaster ride is finally going down! As expected of Kaneki to lie his way through Shinohara! Yeah Suzuya is harder to trick, his senses and instincts are much better than that of a human.

But this probably also anounces that Touka and Kaneki will grow closer from now on. Yaaay!
Guest chapter 11 . 10/10/2015
It's great to see you back! I was just thinking about this last night, haha! Great chapter, it was super tense! Loved it!
Carlmike94 chapter 4 . 9/14/2015
Well... since he's a Half-ghoul, wouldn't it be cannibalism either way?
Anonymous Reviewer-T chapter 10 . 8/13/2015
Whoa, what?! That ending... even I'm confused. Totally wasn't expecting that.
I'm really, really looking forward to seeing what happens next. Darn cliffhanger!

That aside, thanks so much for the chapter! I like how you wrote Touka's thoughts - the way they're organized, they seem very much like internal musings. "Stream of consciousness," I think, is what it's called in literary terms.

Thanks again, and hope to see your next update soon!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/10/2015
the restaurant ghouls aren't cannibals, they usually lure humans into their gladiator fight/dinner traps. entertainment and dinner, yea high-end restaurants! though Tsukiyama could undoubtedly get ghoul meat, i feel like he's the smuggler character who can get anybody anything for the right price...
Guest chapter 10 . 8/1/2015
Amo como escribes *-* lo unico que espero esqe no termine igual que el manga porque la historia va siguiendo un poco el manga ya estoy asustada :'( porfavor actualizar pronto :)
Guest chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
Gran capitulo porfavor actualize pronto no creo poder esperar tanto para saber que pasa con la historia espero que la historia no termine igual que el manga mi corazon se va a volver a destrozar si pasa eso de todos modos amo su forma de escribir :,)
Guest chapter 10 . 7/29/2015
Whoa! I wonder what will happen?! Kaneki meeting with Shinohara is going to be HUGE! This will definitely be a big turning point from canon! I can't wait how this plays out, I am so excited! Great work, thanks for the awesome update!
FighterGirl14 chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
That was an intense cliffhanger!
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
Omg you updated! It's feel like it has been an eternity! I'm one to talk though. XD what kind of bad person am I?

I loved this chapter! I know it's from hum I forgot what chapter it was, but I remember it very clearly! Yes Touka answered good, humans also vomit and especially woman have their moment where they vomit. I remember during my high school days I often got so sick during my period that I couldn't eat properly or I'd puke it out also when people are sick they tend to puke. So yes nice answer, Suzuya can't rebuke that!

But I am so sure that that little moment Shinohara and Touka had, will come back in re! Touka never met him, but he did met Arata, the now quinque turned ghoul, that that invesitgator is using. As long as Touka doesn't know she should be fine for now. Or else, Kaneki would need to give her a lot of counselling.

Ieeeeee! Kaneki is back! And he returned just at that moment. You kinda forgot the honorific. XD chan, Touka-chan. :) but but omg nice moment to stop! I wonder what questions they're going to ask Kaneki, our supreme actor! Nail polish and a wig can do miracles! Ah but hopefully this is what brings them even closer! Yeah yeah yeah?
Delta Marauder chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
Shit's about to go down. CCG agents looking for Kaneki and he magically shows up... Also with the line from Kaneki... It makes me wonder if the CCG agents are about to die; Juuzou is a (psychotic) tough some of a bitch and so is Shinohara(if that's the other person). Anyways update soon and keep up the good work.
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