Reviews for The Clockwork Beauty
JuJuwana chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
Your writing is just so beautiful, so lyrical, like poetry. Even if the story weren't compelling, which it is, I would read for the way you write alone.
JuJuwana chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
This is very well written with beautiful prose, and an interesting concept. Very original.
bt43 chapter 10 . 12/3/2017
This is such an awesome story. I check back every month on it - would love to see how it ends!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/8/2017
Another vivid and brilliant chapter. I adore Henri!
TheRealEatsShootsAndLeaves chapter 10 . 1/2/2017
I find your world's science to be fascinating. I dig the idea that Beauty cures the little mecha boy's disease by talking to the nanites that are part of that disease. And what a miserable disease, intended, not to kill, but only to cause suffering. A enemy that would come up with such a thing is more intent on revenge than on actually winning. The humans in your story are very bad people.

I like that Henri is a Neverlander. Like all the rest of the mechas, he's lost, a Lost Boy.

And she tells Henri a tale to send him to the Beast. I wonder what he will think of all the rabble showing up on his doorstep, saying "Beauty sent me."
Nanenna chapter 10 . 1/2/2017
I'm glad Beauty is planning to not let Ama or Henri anywhere near Rapunzel. She frightens me.
Jetredgirl chapter 10 . 1/1/2017
This story is just about the most fascinating one I've ever read here. Happy new year :-)
TheRealEatsShootsAndLeaves chapter 9 . 12/14/2016
"Have a nice day" cracked me right up. As meaningless and automatic in the dystopian future as it is at today's supermarket checkout line.

I think the utterly uninspired and utilitarian naming of the streets to be hilarious and just what a literal minded mecha would do.

Do I love Ama (Mama) Goose? Oh yes I do. She reminds me of the cows. Nuturing is no longer necessary so she's been discarded. And not just discarded, but deliberately infected. I love her green stripey suit, too. I found the idea of a babysitter revolt to be frightening (Think of the children!) and darn funny (Your brats are revolting and so are we!)

I think Rapunzel is creepy as the dickens and not just because she's breaking down. I have serious worries about the twins. I think they're not going to enjoy that Tower of Joy very much at all. Don't go there, Beauty! It'll all end in tears, I say!

Really enjoying this story and the world in which it's happening. Can hardly wait for the next bit. :D
TheRealEatsShootsAndLeaves chapter 8 . 12/12/2016
This chapter is equal parts beauty and heartbreak.

Your world building imagery is just flat out magnificent. I can actually SEE that mecha fair and it's dirty and dusty and it smells like WD-40.

The saddest thing, though, the saddest thing is those poor cows. Their udders, symbolic of all that is nurturing, life-giving and vulnerable, have been burst and corrupted by neglect and indifference. Poor cows. I'm glad Beauty healed them.

A pox on that pitiful cobblin that tried to hurt Beauty. I wonder if he'll make to the Duat for judgement? If he confesses that he tried to hurt Beauty, the Beast may rip him to pieces.

Also. I'm in love with that owl. He's so frigging adorable.
NeverIsTheEternal chapter 9 . 12/11/2016
This story never stops being brilliant, and you are honestly the most creative and original fanfiction writer I've come across. I hope you know how glorious and rare your mind is. You kinda rank up there with Frank Herbert in my list of awesome reading experiences. Please update soon.
Jetredgirl chapter 9 . 12/11/2016
Wow. As always you blow me away.
Nanenna chapter 9 . 12/11/2016
Ah, and here are the sisters. At least Beauty is wise to the story and knows what too long a delay may cause. I also love Ama Goose! What a great way to bring in the junkyard woman, and I just love her name. Her whole line's name.

Poor Rapunzel, I wonder what happened to her. I hope we find out.
OtherworldlyStarlight chapter 5 . 12/11/2016
I love your story so much. You are a very talented writer. I started last night thinking this was a complete story and then realized this morning when an update was available that it wasn't. Please update soon.
Nanenna chapter 8 . 11/29/2016
Oh wow, I'm so delighted to see this update! I also did not expect this to go in the direction it did, but I gotta say that I really like the way you're handling Beauty. She's got a bit of edge to her now, a bit of hardness to get her through this waste land. But she's still so sweet and gentle, like with the cows, like with the repairs. I really love this story so much.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/29/2016
Breathtaking, as always.
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