Reviews for Salad Days
meemssh chapter 36 . 6/5
omg i hate youwell i mean, where my mimato at huhu.. you’re still coming back right?on the other hand, i loved how long this was going and how everyone of the chosens are getting their turn under the spotlight~ i can read this for however long you planned to do this cos i loved how you did the character developments!

thank you for doing jyoura, a complicated takari, and a not antagonistic michael (honestly sick now of bad michaels hehe). loved you stated that mimato should be soulmates and not just second loves, and that’s why author-san, please, i’m really hoping you’d come back and update this really nice story!
Guest chapter 36 . 4/20/2019
Oh man, i started reading this because of mimato. Now, im heartbroken because of Tai x Mimi. Hope youll update!
Guest chapter 36 . 3/17/2018
at first im like all mimato but then michi happened and i just love tai and mimi together! Hoping you will update soon!
kalmaegi chapter 19 . 2/13/2018
Yamato writing about his friends and brother.
kalmaegi chapter 18 . 2/13/2018
Yamato and Mimi celebrating their awkward but amiable friendship.
kalmaegi chapter 17 . 2/13/2018
Yamato doesn't know what do with his brother's commitment issues. That does count as one right? Mimi is sad that she and Kou aren't close anymore.
kalmaegi chapter 14 . 2/13/2018
Yamato is me. The kind that's so socially retarded that they misconstrue every little thing the person currently interacting with them did.
kalmaegi chapter 7 . 2/13/2018
"Is the Lord testing me?" Sora please. Great idea Taichi. *thumbs up* His big brother frustration of being a third wheel was hilarious tho.

"Were you that lonely Mimi?" Yamato is on point as always, thankfully it wasn't like that disaster from the car ride. Which makes sense since Yamato as Jyou had described is lonely too.

Gosh darn it Taichi, I take that back. Teenagers. *rolls eyes* The baby DigiDestined too. Sigh, just tell her straight up of your intentions Takeru-chan. But Yamato throwing the Koushiro equation on Taichi because he isn't the Crest of Love but Friendship, the actual Crest of Love gets some much needed advice from Jyou. Love yourself first, Sora-chan~~!

*facepalm* Teenagers.
kalmaegi chapter 5 . 2/13/2018
"There's no easy English bands for a Japanese Musician like me" It's refreshing to see a music scene in a story not be intrusive at all. There's usually a block text with the lyrics in between like some unneeded divider. And very realistic, Yamato's band mates and Mimi making fun of his Engrish. Haha, good times. I feel you, Yamato.

Takeru noticing the subconscious flirting between the old childhood acquaintances turned tentative new friends. Hikari is frustrated at the prying of her brother's privacy. Taichi is trying to get over it. Yamato feels self-conscious of Taichi and Sora's long standing friendship and the complications brought about the whole dating thing. Sora also has some doubts of her relationship and frets about Taichi. Meanwhile, Mimi is just ecstatic she finally got the chance to truly connect with Yamato.

"You sound like you're still talking to a bunch of kindergarteners" My second favorite line.

I love how it's Yamato who noticed how romantic their walk looked lmao. And Taichi trying very hard to patch things up with his best friend while said best friend realizes it wasn't Taichi's feelings he is wary of but Sora's.
kalmaegi chapter 4 . 2/13/2018
"There's no easy English bands for a Japanese Musician like me" It's refreshing to see a music scene in a story not be intrusive at all. There's usually a block text with the lyrics in between like some unneeded divider. And very realistic, Yamato's band mates and Mimi making fun of his Engrish. Haha, good times. I feel you, Yamato.

Takeru noticing the subconscious flirting between the old childhood acquaintances turned tentative new friends. Hikari is frustrated at the prying of her brother's privacy. Taichi is trying to get over it. Yamato feels self-conscious of Taichi and Sora's long standing friendship and the complications brought about the whole dating thing. Sora also has some doubts of her relationship and frets about Taichi. Meanwhile, Mimi is just ecstatic she finally got the chance to truly connect with Yamato.

"You sound like you're still talking to a bunch of kindergarteners" My second favorite line.
Taishou chapter 36 . 11/22/2017
Plot tickings! Omg
Guest chapter 35 . 11/11/2017
OMG! Finally! New chapter! Thank you so much! Cant wait for the upcoming chapters! I'm torn between TaichixMimi and MimixYamato. I started watching digi tri movies, I am totally shipping Tai and Mimi there
j8919 chapter 35 . 11/5/2017
Ive waited soooo long for this chapter and you did not disappoint! It was so good to see them come to a realization about Yamato and Mimi.
Also you say the story is already long like its a bad thing! I love that its still going!
kuchiki-chappy chapter 35 . 11/4/2017
thank you so much! for keeping this up, please continue 3
PinkAngelMimi chapter 35 . 11/3/2017
Really excited to read that you updated another chapter, I actually started reading it at a get-together because I couldn't wait to go home and read it.. Lol
Super happy that you're going to write it long to show character growth. Please don't stop writing..
Your writing was amazing, to be very honest I was quite surprised about Takerus behavior towards Mimi though, I hope he sees some sense and doesn't judge her, affecting their relationship. They had a really special bond as friends..I loved how joyu shut down Takeru for being really insensitive and how he tried to understand Yamato. I would definitely like to see the character growth of Mimi, Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru... Specially Takeru, he has so much potential as a character.
Awaiting the next chapter :)
Hugs and kisses 3
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