Reviews for Raphael Yoritomo, Wolverine
SupernaturalGirl51799 chapter 3 . 6/7/2015
Really good story so far!
I can't wait for the next chapter, update soon please! :)
Arrzl122 chapter 2 . 6/4/2015
Just stumbled across this today and it caught my eye.

I like that you have a bit of a unique focal point with Raphael being the nephew of Black Canary, I can't recall coming across this before, so that has it's own interesting dynamics. You gave him a unique set of superpowers to the team, thus giving him room to flourish without stomping all over the others in the field, and the dislike between Roy and Raph was funny to read, they clearly don't see eye-to-eye.

You have a solid base to launch your story from if you keep going with it, I am most Intrested to see more of Raphael interact towards the team, as well as Black Canary.

Also, I think you got your numbers mixed up in the back half of ch2, as you forgot one first in the rubble of what used to be Cadmus, and them later in the cave. Robin KF Aqualad Superboy MM Wolverine 6, no big drama, just a small thing I picked up on.

I hope you do continue this, as I believe that the story has potential