Reviews for Red, Fallen Sun
Eureka234 chapter 40 . 5/18/2016
That last scene was reading a lot like the end of Asunder until the last few lines where it reminded me a lot more of a Disney film with the theatrics of it. Not in a bad way though. I had a grin on my face. A very stupid grin.
I feel kind of empty now. What an ending. It was awesome. I havent felt so emotional after a story since reading the Cullen/Amell fic Glycerine, and that didn't even have a happy ending !
Well done!
Eureka234 chapter 39 . 5/18/2016
I think Cain needs a hug. I volunteer as tribute! Hehe.
Omg, its almost over? Noooo
Jokes aside, cute chapter. Its interesting to see Cain and Cullen chat again after like... 20 chapters? Lol.
Eureka234 chapter 38 . 5/18/2016
Naw why am I feeling emotional when all the fighting has settled down? Have you traumatized me and this is a delayed reaction? XD
Regardless of what it is, this is a very intruiging turn of events. My reaction was similar to Cassandras, but it is suitable considering the story. Given this seems to take place before the Winter Palace, I'm now really intruiged of what would happen if Samson and Cain met. Ooh, it would not be pretty!
I can't believe the story is coming to a close. I just can't. I know there's Rift still... but... omg
My heart. What have you done? X.x
Eureka234 chapter 37 . 5/18/2016
Sorry I realise my last review sounded super aggressive. Believe me; i was very impressed! Very action packed chapter. The parasite actually reminded me a lot of a reaper.
My terror overwhelmed my awe of your writing lol
This was equally creepy but brilliant.
I'm still praying for Cain to survive, just like Anya.
Eureka234 chapter 36 . 5/18/2016
Bloody hell.
Seriously. This has turned into the horror genre.
Wtf. I would have screamed if I was in Cains place and the parasitic thing showed up. Probably a good thing I'm not in the Inquisition then.
Still hoping he doesn't die.
I think Anya and Cain are like the gradual beginning of a romance rather than their 'official' relationship itself. If that makes sense? I guess with all the craziness they can't have much of a relationship.
WinterWrensHollow chapter 5 . 5/18/2016
Terrific original characters. I love Cain more and more, and I definitely love the lore you've created for his family, both in the origin of their line, and with the tragic story of his siblings.
WinterWrensHollow chapter 3 . 5/18/2016
Your descriptions of the street fighting in Kirkwall were beautifully evocative. I also appreciate the way you've described the effects of even being in proximity of red lyrium on Templars. As I usually play Mages in my campaigns, that's something I honestly hadn't considered before outside of interacting with Cullen.

I also like the established relationship and mutual respect he has with Cullen. Though I have to say I had terrible flashbacks to grade school PE making all those poor recruits having to run like that. :)

Another very well-written chapter!
WinterWrensHollow chapter 2 . 5/18/2016
Only two chapters in and already I'm intrigued. I *really* like Cain, and I am very impressed with the lore you've woven for him in so short a time. I'm also extremely impressed with your imagery, your feel for tactics (both in battle and diplomacy) and your interpretation of Josephine. I'm eager to see where this goes!
Eureka234 chapter 35 . 5/17/2016
If Cain dies I'm going to be really mad. Though that moment with Anya was touching.
Eureka234 chapter 34 . 5/17/2016
About time that Seeker met his end. Bastard. I don't want Anya to die. Please don't do a Stephen King/George R R Martin and kill off all your main characters. Sob. Sob.
Eureka234 chapter 33 . 5/15/2016
Not Dominic :( he fought bravely . I love the scenes with Anya!
Eureka234 chapter 32 . 5/14/2016
I've written a number of reviews and none of them have shown up. Same with Rift. Wtf. And if I try write them again it doesn't let me.
The Fade scene is very interesting . I like that Anya knew Cains sister. Though I hope she can help Cain.
Hurray Lina made it through... and its nice to see the Inquisition did find them, even if it was late.
Raphael is kind of badass in his evilness. I'm probably the only person who thinks so. I liked his mention of how he was doing Orlais a favor.
Eureka234 chapter 30 . 5/13/2016
That was one severely screwed up Harrowing. It's better than Anya dying though.
Poor Cain! I hope he gets better :-(
Eureka234 chapter 28 . 5/11/2016
How funny that when I PM you to explain that Cain will have a moral dilemma over blood magic and Anya, what is evil and what is good... This happens. I do feel rather accomplished right now.
To me since his values are being reassessed he kind of gives up struggling against red lyrium too. His reflection on Anya here is very... Raw. I like it.
And as my mind is a corrupt place I look forward to seeing how successfully Cain manages to "serve". I kind of like the idea of him becoming a red Templar and getting twisted and tormented over it. I doubt it is going to happen that way, but I shall ship blood Mage Anya and Red Templar Cain, and they can both be comforted by the fact they both made dodgy life choices in the impulse to survive. But they have each other, Naww.
I also made red lyrium feed off humans in one of my fics, so it's cool to see the idea shared.
The darker this story gets the more I want a hard cover copy with some awesome fanart on the front.
Eureka234 chapter 27 . 5/7/2016
Possibly one of my favorite scenes so far. Sooo brutal with the high tensions. The descriptions of Cain being tortured gave me chills.
Seekers all have different powers, I thought? Though I imagine there would still be some who share the same powers.
Poor Cain. Hope he isnt mentally screwed up from this.
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