Reviews for I'll Find You - Season Four
MT chapter 16 . 12/20/2017
I'm sorry. ignore that last review. The page froze up and I was freaking out. My bad
MT chapter 16 . 12/20/2017
Dude, is that really How It Ends right here on this page? You didn't even allow me to read and see what would happen when John met his daughter for crying out loud.
but having said that I really really have enjoyed it.
you are a talented writer
MT chapter 4 . 12/20/2017
I just cannot say enough good things about your writing.
I mean for a sci-fi lover come on, you have time travel, alternate timelines, even an alternate version John Connor! Love it.
You're very very imaginative. Never let anyone get you down over misspelling a word or two. That does not matter to the true story lover..
Real content is what it's all about.
Good work
Sylva Dax chapter 10 . 11/30/2017
Sorry, this makes little sense. Your earlier story says nothing about Allison's brain waves being part of Cameron's coding. It seems like another random element tossed into the pot to further complicate a hopelessly contorted plot.
JasonVUK chapter 23 . 12/8/2016
:C Oh no, you're stopping, Oh... No. :c

Darn it. Your stories were awesome, it's a shame we won't see them finished.
ArcanePunkster chapter 23 . 12/4/2016
Thank Anonymous Guest ;)

As mentioned in the update I will keep my post-BTR stories up for newcomers to read and those who wish to just re-read my stories, but also in case I feel like continuing the story. I will keep my notes for future reference if and when I come back to this story.

Also I do have another idea for a TSCC fanfic which is in early planning, all I can say is that John and Cameron will mostly play the role of side characters, it will mostly be set in the future with elements from the past, and that it will follow a group of soldiers fighting in the "War against the Machines". But like the other stories if and when I write this story is another matter, but I hope to bring something a li more unique into the TSCC fanfiction section if I do go through with it! :)
Guest chapter 23 . 12/4/2016
At least, you're honest...
I'll miss your story. It's a pity, you decided not to continue it. I'm definitely going to reread it... And not only once...
Can't agree with you, our TSCC community developed some lack of interest in post-BTR. Post-BTR or not, everything has its place, its niche. Even repetitiveness isn't a real problem. Everything depends on quality. Well done, logical, interesting story, filled with details and, of course, Jameron... This has always been the secret of success and pleasure.
We shouldn't compare different stories. Well, we sometimes do just that, but it's not the way to judge a story. Writing is an art. Every story is a work of art in its own way.
As for your stories, they are pretty good. Interesting and intriguing... I definitely like them.
If one day you decide to continue this story or to write a new one, I will be just happy.
Good luck, my friend! :)
CameronSwenConnorCroft chapter 21 . 9/17/2016
Really enjoying this fic. Can't wait for next update
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
When will season 5 be posted
fastandloud chapter 21 . 12/2/2015
Interested to see how you develop Cayden and John's relationship and his reaction to her first boyfriend.
pyc97 chapter 21 . 11/27/2015
Welcome back! It's been a long time since u update:))
pyc97 chapter 20 . 10/16/2015
good chapter here although I wish it could be longer. Is it possible between John and Allison?
mayo920777 chapter 19 . 10/9/2015
Curious to see when John tells Sarah he is a hybrid and how it will be used in future chapters. Interested to see how you develop Cayden and John's relationship. She has so much potential in being his daughter. Looking forward to more.
JasonVUK chapter 18 . 9/28/2015
8o Okay WELL! John slowly seems to be recovering but it's obvious it still hurts him, still to soon, but I'm confidant in is ability to move on, Cayden I think will be instrumental in his recovery.

Katherine Brewster well, I don't know what she's going to be doing, will she remember John from Mike Krypkey's basement? (or whatever his name was, he was mentioned in T3)

I don't know what could be done to help Cameron, it'd take some VERY delicate surgery on her CPU, possibly more delicate than any of them are even capable of. :\ I don't know! DX

:3 Looking forward to whatever comes next!
Guest chapter 18 . 9/28/2015
Uh, you keep switching between past tense and present tense. It's a little annoying, actually.
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