Reviews for More Than Meets the Eye
CYLawless chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
Hmm, this would do very well as a mutli-chapter fic, by the ways, it would probably turn popular very quickly :)
Airdria Jynn chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
I've had the same frustration about the number secret bender Sokka fan fiction. I'm really glad someone else has had the idea about Sokka being a fire as well! I really do hope your schedule allows you to expand on this story because I would love to see more. I think this was well written, and you could turn this into a good multi-chapter story.
Jamie Windseeker chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Oh my gosh! I had the exact same idea! So I'm not the only one who could see Sokka as a firebender?