Reviews for The Piano Man
creativesm75 chapter 11 . 8/12/2016
Divergent 004 chapter 11 . 10/28/2015
*wiping my tears away*
That was so beautiful. oh my god,this can't be over. I need to know more. what happened in between? little moments between Eric and his daughter, please.

i'm definitely going to vote for your story
DS2010 chapter 11 . 10/13/2015
Good end, glad that Nell and Erik got together and lasted a life time
tigerlilies-and-superheroes chapter 11 . 10/12/2015
Great ending! More stories soon please? :)
ncisnewbie chapter 11 . 10/12/2015
Well done! Your story works well. Keep on writing.

Guest chapter 11 . 10/12/2015
Thank you for your story and the fact that Eric spends the day playing with his daughter.
Serotonin2501 chapter 11 . 10/12/2015
Very fitting ending! Loved it
icantpickgoodusername chapter 11 . 10/12/2015
Wau just wau this is one of the best epilogs I read. Amazing job
Abssynthe chapter 10 . 10/1/2015
Hello !

Thank you so much for your work ! I'm currently in a looking-for-badass-hurt-comfort-Eric/Nell-pairing-stories period, so I can only enjoyed this one... That's very well written, you did make a good plot with this idea of sending Eric and Nell both undercover in a restaurant (Eric singing and playing the piano, that's so sweet for the fangirl I am). I read your story in one sitting, for I was just so hooked by the events you depicted with such a fertile imagination. God, Eric getting shot... I don't know if what I felt was fear, anxiety, eagerness or maybe the three of them, but it was quite a climax. The psychological aspect of the characters is especially well done : it was as if the reader was sitting near Nell, sharing her thoughts and demons in these heart-breaking moments, but also sharing her joy when Eric woke up (wonderful scene by the way).
I'm looking forward for your updating - keep writing !

- Abssynthe
(Please forgive any grammar mistake in this review, I'm not a native English speaker.)
Divergent 004 chapter 10 . 9/23/2015
This was not only my favorite neric scene but my favourite chapter so far. Great gob!
Can't wait for the epilogue
Serotonin2501 chapter 10 . 9/19/2015
Loving this whole story. Can't wait to see the finalie
Divergent 004 chapter 9 . 8/24/2015
This story cannot be ending. Nooooo... Please tell me you're kidding
Guest chapter 8 . 8/18/2015
J'ai adoré le passage où Nell pense à la réaction des membres de son équipe face à ce qui arrive à Eric.
Divergent 004 chapter 8 . 8/16/2015
Another wonderful chapter which was definitely interesting enough for me to impatiently wait for the next chapter!
ChinVilla chapter 8 . 8/16/2015
Another great chapter. I love your insight into the panic attack Nell is having at the beginning. Absolutely believable.
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