Reviews for The Tales of the Three Sisters
Guest chapter 22 . 3/20/2019
Ironically, the two most ambiguous heroes of the war were Regulus and Narcissa, their traitorous siblings. Better late than never, right? Oh, and Snape, Snivellus the bullied. Make three.
Sirius got a ludicrous death and Dromeda watched every person she loved die.
The self-righteous Blacks? Losers. Thanks JKR.
BTW, the story was cool.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/20/2019
The Blacks are dysfunctional but it makes them a lot more fun to read in fics than, let's say, the Weasleys. Gah!
The stories are interesting. I don't care much for Andie and Dora -Extras in the show- the other two being more intriguing and having a huge impact in the story...especially in the killing department.
Guest chapter 22 . 12/5/2017
Really good! Could you write one about when Bellatrix comes to Malfoy Manor after being freed from Azkaban?
Iris Stardust chapter 22 . 12/5/2017
Great chapter. I liked conversation between Sirius and Andromeda since I always like to think they got along well considering they both left the Black family. It was interesting to see her mistaken for Bellatrix. I never really thought of that but that probably would happen to her when Bellatrix escaped from Azkaban and people so her pictures everywhere. That must be hard for her.
Kitty Perry chapter 22 . 12/5/2017
Lovely to hear from you. I totally get life taking over - write when you can.
ronk77 chapter 21 . 10/8/2016
Please continue!
GoldenHydrangea chapter 17 . 5/22/2016
Interesting that he found this out now, seeing as that would mean he knew about Neville's parents in book 4 when he said in front of him that there was a part of St Mungo's for those whose brains had been damaged by magic, then made a face.
Ads S chapter 21 . 5/13/2016
Omg this is- omg she must be heartbroken. I can't imagine how Narcissa must be feeling right now. She must be crushed. Omg. *sobs*
ronk77 chapter 21 . 5/12/2016
Oh. My. God. If this is how you update, I'm not surprised it takes you so long haha. This was...stunningly heartbreaking! I feel so bad for both of them, really- they're both like each side of an hourglass- when you look at it from one side, it gets pressured by the other, and everything falls on them. Please update soon!
silksenseoverload chapter 21 . 5/12/2016
I'm tearing up. This is beautiful 3
WringOutTheWordsLikeRain chapter 20 . 5/7/2016
Have always loved this story and really enjoyed reading the newer chapters! The way you portray the three sisters really makes sense to me- especially Narcissa's internal conflict. It really adds to her character when I read the books again, I feel like I understand her more. Really really love this!
Iris Stardust chapter 20 . 3/5/2016
I was very happy when I saw that you updated one of your stories. :) I really liked that memory about what happened before they took that picture and I don't know why I liked that joke Sirius told to Narcissa at the end and her reacton to. And I imagine that Bellatrix and Sirius probably had many fights like that when they were young.
Guest chapter 20 . 3/3/2016
This is one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read. The lil rebel that I am; I've always loved Bellatrix- bc I work on the principle that characters should be judged on your complexity and inguenity, not their morality *if* they were alive

Honestly, I've never read a back story for th three sisters that appealed to me more. Its a delight, reading these chapters and exploring the whims that made the three sosters who they are today. I know that its a little off the main course of the story, but I'd love a scene between Andromeda and Sirius during the war. Like you; I've always assumed that Bella killed Tonks bc she felt so betrayed after her sister left. After Bella; I've always assumed that Andromeda was closest to Sirius; especially in her last few years as a Black. I would love if you could explore a tangent where Andromeda visits Sirius in 12 Grimmauld Place; bc I think it'll be really interesting.

Also can I just say that you have to tell me where you get all those beautiful quotes from. They're so flipping good. I must know where you get them
-Ads S
(I would've signed in and reviewed; but I can't. Search me up as Ads S; and you should find me)
Kitty Perry chapter 20 . 3/3/2016
Thank you for the update. I know how rl gets away with one.
ronk77 chapter 20 . 3/3/2016
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