Reviews for here today, gone tomorrow
Delphi chapter 5 . 7/19
tHIS story is so good I wanna cry! The only thing I really wished that Momoi knew. It seemed cruel that she was the only one who didn't know. She IS part of GOM. I'm pretty sure she'd hate them for not telling her.
SingingWolf18 chapter 6 . 7/16/2017
Omg! So sad! Plz make atleast one more chapter! Loved this story! Keep on going!
Insanity under the moonlight chapter 6 . 1/22/2017
Lmao RIP me, who needs a heart am I right? Ha ha, I fee This was beautifully written and so tragic I don't even know what to say beisdes breath taking and heart breaking
the florist chapter 6 . 1/21/2017
the tears i'm spilling for this fic is ridiculous god i love you for making this fic
Voilz chapter 6 . 1/10/2017
This story is so good, so beautiful no well-written. I only sobbed a bit when knowing Kagami's and GoM's reactions to Kuroko's death. But when it came to Akashi's part, I literally burst into tears. Though he seemed so cold and composed, he was affected badly by his friend's sudden death after all. It hurt, too much. And Kuroko's messages to his friends... Oh God! They made me totally became a sobbing mess! What have you done to my fragile heart? I hope you could update this story soon, it's such a wonderful work that would surely haunt me for days.
Visually Dreamer chapter 6 . 12/11/2016
This is so sad.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/19/2016
im crying this is not okay this is not okay at all

i hope you update soon
because i am a masochist who enjoys these people in pain somehow, because otherwise i dont know why im continuing to read this while sobbing all over my screen
Penguin-chin chapter 6 . 5/5/2016
Waaahhhhh! TT~TT THIS WAS SOO GOOD! I CRIED! Btw, is this the last chapter?
alqui chapter 6 . 4/11/2016
This is beautiful. I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter. I do hope we also get to see Kise and Midorima being consoled by Kasamatsu and Takao respectively soon. I wonder if Nigou would be used to find Kuroko's location.
Crying chapter 6 . 12/13/2015
omg... whyyyyyyyy?! kurokooo... its so sad. its so good though. you are now a master in feel.
NekkiYaoi chapter 6 . 7/24/2015
I don't know how you do it, but you made me cry again! Ah... I don't like sounding like a crybaby, but... Yeah, it's kinda normal to cry for reading a story like this, right?
I just can't help wishing that it's just a strange dream and they would wake up and think ''Oh my gosh, how could I not cherish Kuroko until I had this dream!? How foolish I am, but I'm so thankful he is still alive'' and goes to smother him with TOOONS of love.
I think it's actually more sad 'cause Kuroko can see how they react and he has no way (until now) to tell them he is there and they shouldn't feel so bad.
I... I hope there's more to this story. No, really. I'M JUST HOPING THIS IS JUST A DREAM OR THAT KUROKO ISN'T REALLY DEAD. HAHAHA! Just his parents playing a joke on them for hurting his cute son, hahahaha! *sheds tears*
PearlSnorlax chapter 6 . 6/30/2015
This is, simply, beautiful. I loved it. I loved the reactions of everyone, i like how you didn't got anyone off characters. But i hate Momoi isn't at the funeral :c Please, you have to make Aomine tell her! I hope this doesn't end yet, can't wait to read more, i seriously loved it. Nice work c:
Ps: Kuroko, you peace of shit, stop playing with everyones feelings, you bastard T,T
Guest chapter 6 . 6/11/2015
That was so sad. But it was also great at the same time, "Nearly cried" I like how you make it so that Kuroko can stay in the end even though he is dead.
Bloodspinat chapter 6 . 6/10/2015
This just broke my heart multiple times over, but in the most perfect way I could imagine. I was clinging to every single word, I felt the way they felt and saw the look Akashi had in his eyes when he thought somebody was pranking them. Thank you for writing this awfully touching chapter :)
Anon chapter 6 . 6/10/2015
Aahh This is really beautiful and sad, finally Kuroko could get through them uvu Thank you so much for this story!
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