Reviews for Last Night
ShiningPureLight chapter 1 . 7/14/2017
This is so sweet they are so cute together and I love how you wrote shinichi
SilverWater123 chapter 1 . 4/16/2016
Thats so cute. Kaito is treating Shinichi very precious-ly and Shinichi knows Kaito so well and cares about him just as much. Ahh I can't get enough on how you write them together! Even if they're not married yet (or going to be) they show so much love for each other.
10th Squad 3rd Seat chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
They make a good couple. I swear. And Shinichi can just as easily turn the tables as Kaito.
Miss Emotion chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
OMG THIS WAS AMAZING! I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE HOW INCREDIBLE YOU ARE! I love the idea of the story, the way you wrote it and just how Kaito and Shinichi interact. Everything was so beautiful and I want to give you a enormous hug! I love how they both cared for each other so much and when they knitted hands and how much they cared and XD the ring OMG I just... I love everything! EVERY SINGLE DETAIL! I hope you achieve every single dream you wish for because you're awesome and awesome people deserve awesome things, I mean it's just logic. I adore their little thoughts in italics as well! And the adorable just everything, you made my heart float like I loved this so much! One of the best fanfictions I have ever read.
Crystalia chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
It is so cute, its nice that shinichi want to protect kaito by hiding his pain, and i like how both of them seems in balance whether who's the seme and uke in relationship. Good job.