Reviews for Divergent Fate
Guest chapter 1 . 1/4
Are you alive?
PoofyOhio chapter 11 . 11/14/2019
Why is there no more?
Dinobot14 chapter 11 . 10/6/2018
This and the first story were both great! I was hoping you would at least get to the summoning of some servants, specifically Iskander, before the end here, but it was still fun while it lasted.

Hope you start to write again!
MrAracn chapter 11 . 7/6/2018
Sad you stopped writting, but I won't loose hope that one day you may return to this story and continue it .
Wish you the best
Darkjaden chapter 11 . 3/3/2018
Heaven's Feel is a magic that allows for the materialization of the soul (魂の物質化, ?), which stops the inevitable dispersion of the soul once it no longer has an anchor to the world, and essentially makes it transcend to a higher form of existence. It is a magic that realizes true immortality by making the soul into a high-dimensional planar being capable of interacting with the material world as a mental body without having to return to Akasha. The practitioner will acquire an unlimited source of magical energy due to the soul becoming analogous to a perpetual motion machine.(sorry for the long text) I can't help but feel Shiro will be the one who obtain it. chapter 11 . 8/20/2017
Genial historia aunque esta tiene mucha introducción a los personajes .
Debes de continuar con está genial historia .
Tu historia deberías de convertirla en Una apogripha.
Una sugerencia para los servant's :
* ozymandias : rider dorado - maestro /sakura
* Artemisa : archer - princesa Blanca / maestro
* okita : saber -shiki/ maestro
* Arturia pendragon : lancer -shirou/ maestro
* yurimitsu : berserker -Illya/ maestro
* samimaris : assesin
* Medea : Caster -Karen/maestro
* jeanne d'Arc : ruler
* ghilgamesh : caster dorado -Lluvia/maestro
* scathash : lancer -bazzet/maestro
* mordrer : rider ; princesa de caballeros
* kintoki : berserker dorado
* emiya : archer -Rin/ maestro
* sasaki : assesin -Karen/Medea/ maestro
* atila huno : saber
* mashu : sheider -jeanne /maestro
* Vlad III : berserker
* astolfo : rider
* Nobunaga : archer
* Karna : lancer
* lanceloth : saber
* edison : Caster
* brazo maldito : assesin
* akazuma shirou : ruler
* Atalanta : archer
* Aquiles : rider
* Nero : saber
* Walver : Caster
* sensata : berserker
* fionn : lancer
* king Hassan : assesin
Bueno esa sería mi opinión de como deberían ser los equipos de tú historia si decides convertirla en una apogripha .
Sería espectacular ver un despliegue de poderes y estrategias en su apogeo .
Esos serían cuatro posibles equipos .
Lord Jace chapter 11 . 5/27/2017
Though it hasn't been updated in almost two years, I'm gonna hold out hope a bit longer :)
A New User chapter 11 . 9/19/2016
We really need another Chapter of this. I always feel that this story has so much potential, but was never tapped.
Judgment of the Arbiter chapter 11 . 3/21/2016
Nice chapter, please update this story.
Zeta0 chapter 1 . 3/13/2016
Guest chapter 2 . 12/24/2015
I thought rin was mostly being a whiner about not earning her own money. She spent a crap ton of money in preparing for the fifth, but her family's incomes would be more than enough to cover it. She just didn't want to rely on it or something stupid.

In kaleid liner though... hell if I know.
Toaneo07 Ver2.0 chapter 11 . 10/8/2015
mmm cool
anton.evan.31 chapter 9 . 7/11/2015
I want to ask.
Will Gilgamesh or Archer will be summoned in the Fifth War? Because those 2 are the only one that can make Shirou powerful enough to fight Dead Apostle Ancestor.
anton.evan.31 chapter 10 . 7/8/2015
The Pentagon is a bit too powerful. I mean the ability to remain alive as long she have prana is just too OP for the current Magi. You better give it some restriction like maybe it can only be activated once a day, and once activated it will drain your prana reserve in just a minute.

Other than that I have no complain. This is a very great story where there is possibility to see all character from Type-moon to appear.
Hope you release the next one soon. Please don't get distracted with your other stories like 'Frozen memories', and focus to this story.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/3/2015
update pls
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