Reviews for Lay Me Down
OFP Lefty chapter 9 . 4/8
So glad you're continuing (and hopefully finishing) this story! Please update soon!
Hetwaszoietsals chapter 10 . 4/3
Oh loving it!
Allison chapter 9 . 4/12/2019
Can you please consider to keep updating this.
cakedinmud chapter 8 . 5/27/2018
Put the asshole in prison for a long time!
Packer82 chapter 8 . 5/23/2018
Amazing hope there's more to come
SharonE chapter 10 . 2/17/2018
I hope you are going to update this. I like it
Rubiksmaniac chapter 10 . 11/29/2017
Yay! Can't wait! I was surprised to see an email for this story. Hope to read you soon!
anthony1245 chapter 9 . 10/5/2017
the story is good please come back to it as soon as you can please
Rubiksmaniac chapter 9 . 1/2/2017
Continue super soon please!
Guest chapter 8 . 12/31/2016
Is this just a oneshot that is unrelated?
50 Shades of Pitch Perfect chapter 9 . 12/29/2016
I hope by some miracle Beca may be able to walk again...even if it's assisted.

Wheelchair racing in the hospital was fun XD I hope Rachel won't be any trouble for Beca and Chloe.

These little fuckers should be seriously hurt and in jail...especially Mark!

So glad you're back. I've missed this story. :)
kissedbyarose13 chapter 8 . 12/25/2016
Well that made me double take lol merry Christmas. I'm still reading. I just never review anything. I show love by follows. Many of my stories stopped and stalled so I'm rarely on
50 Shades of Pitch Perfect chapter 8 . 12/24/2016
Soooo cute. The joys if the holidays and the sneaky little ones.

Love the ending gifts!

Merry Christmas xx
50 Shades of Pitch Perfect chapter 7 . 12/24/2016
Please continue. This is a great story!
50 Shades of Pitch Perfect chapter 6 . 12/24/2016
Poor Beca. Life changing situations out of you control suck.

In time things will begin to feel slight normalcy. Long road ahead...she is alive.
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