Reviews for Fitting With You
Major Mike Powell III chapter 2 . 3/29/2015
Well, well, darling...

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches!

So, if the previous chapter starring Shizuru and Mai was Side A, this was most definitely Side B, and it was just as lovely. *O*

So, this time, we get to see what happens after Natsuki and Mai part ways, and my, oh my, it sure was interesting, yeees.

I love how Natsuki tries so hard, so very hard to let Nao know she loves her and is and will always be there for her. *A* And of course, Natsuki's devotion goes the extra mile, taking off after Nao to protect her from doing something stupid...and wow. Natsuki is a total badass! :D That move she pulled there was slick and badass! That was some "Dead or Alive" stuff, right there! ;3

And then, after the couple are safe and sound in Nao's apartment...*O* Ohhh my! Dat ending...dayum! o3o Absolutely lovely!

Great work, love! This was just lovely!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 1 . 3/9/2015
Well, well, soldier...

Ok, first things first: This anonymous Guest sir or ma'am, you are a sad, pathetic, close-minded, shallow creature. Please, leave Dawn of Chaos-chan and her stories that don't suit your "tastes" alone, alright? Go get a life.

Now, with THAT crap out of the way...

This was absolutely lovely! :3

So, Natsuki and Nao are definitely a couple, yet our little Spider has quite the trouble letting old habits die, huh? Well, we all know what they say about habits. LOL I'm sure Natsuki will stop Nao from getting in trouble, but the stars here are definitely Mai and Shizuru; two kindred souls, two women that have it...or had it...really, REALLY bad for Natsuki.

And of course, the process of them bonding together without leaving everything out in the open, with some subtlety, shopping for brassieres and Mai's marvelous bosom...simply lovely! *O*

The descriptions, both physical and emotional, and the atmosphere between these two ladies...X3 Pretty heartwarming, that's for sure. *A*

Great work, love!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Beth Cyra chapter 1 . 2/23/2015
Story turned out great my friend. I'm truly grateful for your hard work and your frienship.

I can't wait till the next time and I hope it gets a few reviews :)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
I am a certified shiznat fan & i hate you for breaking the pair ... Author like you is great truly but it's just it wasn't shiznat...sigh""" why break them apart i know it is my reasoning that is shallow here... But when you didn't get an update! Of your favorite story & something like yours appeared well its heartbreaking to simply acknowledge the stuff you writing hope you forgive me for blowing out my non-sense here!