Reviews for The Wish
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2018
creepy and I love it
Verai chapter 1 . 9/1/2015
Holy crap, that was amazing.
beaucoup riant chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
The concept of an immortal and in love Vegeta was so interesting to read!
Myett chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
Amazing. You took a boring, schematic immortality theme and turned it into something incredible! I just feel I don't have enough words to describe all these little emotions you created. Fortunately I don't have to, as you did it perfectly. :)
I also love other of your writings. And look forward for something new!
DorianVane chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
Hello there,
Interesting how Vegeta could break through time and space after being inmortal. I guess you only need time to become God. Very dark, but very very sweet. It broke my heart how he could never truly grasp all of Bulma before she was gone. I feel for Vegeta, both of them. It's so unfortunate that all the burden passed to the second Vegeta. He seemed to be in peace (relatively) before the 'monster' showed up. I particularly liked that after his sacrifice (giving up ignorance) he realized that he could not possibly risk hurting or being without Bulma for it only fill him with 'hollow madness'
I find the idea of giving up one's desires excrutiating, and I wish I was as strong as this Vegeta.

Thank you for this story, I found it very inspiring. Please keep on the great work!
Matta ne!
Iron throne chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
Interesting chapter.