Reviews for Worlds Apart (Hiatus)
lilaclily00 chapter 29 . 1/11/2016
*disappointedly shaking head* Girl, that ain't gonna happen. Not just cuz you're Amestris, but cuz you're YOU. Something's gonna go down. XD Nice to see a new chapter! :3
lilaclily00 chapter 28 . 11/24/2015
You updated! And Ed knows Hughes is okay! :D Yay!
Raeventamer chapter 25 . 3/25/2015
Aaww, angsty fluff. Tell me what lillian did? Please?
Raeventamer chapter 24 . 3/24/2015
Sorry I didn't review the last chapter, I was kinda busy with my job and overly attached girlfriend... Sorry. Ling is awesome, lan fan and foo are brilliant. But why did Lisa tell the boys and winry about maes? That's so gonna ruin the plan, one of them probably will tell someone else, and that someone else will tell the colonel and half of amestris knows and the homunculi will know and all the work will be for nothing.
lilaclily00 chapter 24 . 3/23/2015
*nods* I admit, I think it's smart to make the entire room dark. Although if Pride really was nearby, it would make him suspicious as to why she was doing that... But better that than him actually hearing what she did. I wish you luck in updating future chapters! *salute*
34fireflies chapter 23 . 3/22/2015
I feel kinda sad cuz I can't name those referenzsesz-eze?-ce-gah! Words! To the "you don't kno what high school is like." Part.
*crawls into emo corner. I wanted a
I just started this last night(or this moring) and didn't stop till here. I'm really liking this story!
(Such fab. Such laugh. Such adventure (XD))
I like Lisa's 'cool cat' attitude, and ed's reactions to them. (Que wtf face). 030. It's really good. Can't wait till next chapter.
Raeventamer chapter 22 . 3/22/2015
Uh. This was sad. Why was this so sad? But really, thats some really important information, I guess. I almost thought you wouldn't update today, cause it was 3am when you did, (at least for me), as opposed to the usual 6 or 7 pm. But now I'm happy

So... Another great chapter, I wanna know what's next, you know. AWESOMENESS OVERDOSE!

liebe Grüße! A.
Mada-Scarpath chapter 21 . 3/20/2015
Ughh, I have to wait till tomorrow for more... WAHHHH :'(
Sad thing is, I prefer you do the chapters the way you are, not release them all at once, this way they last longer...
Raeventamer chapter 21 . 3/20/2015
Nononononononono. lilian isnt Gone, fight? It can't be. And ... Is Lisa mad at greed? I dont want her to be... Tell me tell me tell me!

Best wishes, John green.

Oh, Vivien, I mean.
Raeventamer chapter 20 . 3/19/2015
Uuuhhh, that was awesome... I mean, THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME THING I HAVE READ TODAY! And I'm rereading the lord of the rings and the sixth hard potter book, so that says something.
Greed is such a genius! An asshole, but that's what makes him so badass, I guess... Can't wait for the next chapter tomorrow!
Raeventamer chapter 19 . 3/18/2015
Saw, that was nice. Just some lisa-ed kinda fluff. Very nice. Is she going to tell him? Or does he even have feelings for her? Ugh, I sound like an emotional 10-year-old who just read twilight.
Raeventamer chapter 18 . 3/18/2015
So... I couldn't read the chapter yesterday, so I did now, and oh my fucking god. Greed was so awesome! But... Why didn't Lisa recognize him? He is one of the most recognizable guys ever! I'm going to read the other chapter now. See ya!
Mada-Scarpath chapter 19 . 3/18/2015
"Geez, you've got a strong right there" says the guy with a metal right...
supernatural7365 chapter 19 . 3/18/2015
I don't plan on going anywhere X3
lilaclily00 chapter 18 . 3/17/2015
Seriously, that's also one of my favorite parts in the series. XD Al's just like, "For some reason, they think you're dead, Brother..." with a weirded-out look. XD It's not as awesome in the anime, though. :'(
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