Reviews for Gakuen Deeper, Taku!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2018
After finishing rereading the manga AGAIN I found myself wanting more. Your chapters were the perfect answer and were amazing! I read them all in one sitting. Such great ideas and it read like a novel that I didn’t want to put down! Thanks for these 6 chapters. I wish there were more as I really want to know how this story develops and love your versions of the characters! Thanks again!
CutKitty chapter 1 . 10/18/2018
Hey, I really like your Story. Hope you will update soon ;)
iwkcN chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
Veri n1c3PDOst0rifC
kyoandyuya chapter 6 . 9/3/2018
I must say that I really love the ideas you have. You just seriously need a beta reader to polish your grammatical aspects. I also love the story thus far.

My only but here is Sasuke's age. It's inconsistent. Is he 12 or 15? You have to make it clear because it wouldn't make sense for him to have a babysitter if he's the latter. But anyway, more power to you.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/22/2018
Poor Sasuke TT Yukimura come collect ya boi!
Nice fic btw pls continue 3
Guest chapter 6 . 6/22/2018
Aww Sasuke is so cuteeee, I can't wait for Bon's appearance! Please continue!
Guest chapter 6 . 6/22/2018
Hi! Can't wait for the shiseiten to appear! Please continue~
Guest chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
More please
Guest chapter 4 . 4/11/2016
More please
Guest chapter 3 . 7/4/2015
Hope you update soon I really like this story . Poor Yuya . . . I can ' t believe all this stuff is happening to her especially about her grandfather . By the way the scene with the two women fighting over the eye color of the guy they saw ( I am going to assume they saw two entirely different people most likely one saw Kyoshiro and the other Kyo . ) made me laugh so kudos to you . Also I love how you made Yuya handle that woman in the bar it was very mature and kind of cool of her . I don ' t know about you but Kyo ' s personality always makes me smile it is probably because he reminds of someone I know . Again I hope you update soon and I don ' t care if its 2 years from now I will still wait for an update . XD
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2015
Hope you update soon I really like this story . Poor Yuya I can not believe all this stuff is happening to her especially about her grandfather. . . it is really sad . By the way the two women arguing about the eye color of the guy they saw ( I am going assume they saw two entirely different people , most likely one of them being Kyoshiro and the other Kyo .) made me laugh so kudos to you . Also I love how you made Yuya handle the woman in the bar it was very mature and kind of cool of her . I don ' t about you but Kyo ' s personality always makes me laugh it is probably because he reminds me of someone I know . Again I hope you update soon if not that ' s possible I will sincerely hope that you update any time in the future even if it ' s two years from now . XD
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2015
Hope you update soon I really like this story . Poor Yuya , I can't believe that all that stuff happened to her especially about her grandfather . . . it 's really sad . By the way the two women fighting about the eye color of the guy they saw ( but I assume one of them saw Kyoshiro and the other Kyo . ) made me laugh so kudos to you . I also love how Yuya handled that woman at the bar it was really mature of her and kind of cool .
hairdryer chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
I really love the idea of high school SDK.. Feel sorry for yuya's struggling, but kyo will come to save her, right... Hope you could finish this fiction.. Ganbatte ne..!
xXxLuvable14xXx chapter 2 . 4/1/2015
hey i really like this story...its very interesting and cant wait to read more XD
Tsume-en-Force chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
That's not fair that you don't have any reviews! I 'll change that! I read your former story, i remember that you didn't make a lot of chapters but the beginning was pretty interesting! (kyo was a jerk, Kyoshiro cute and Muramasa fatherly XD)
I can say you already put some change in the first chapter. There was not "sake" in the restaurant to begin with, and that was why Kyo put a fight with Yuya.
With that new beginning, we saw already that Yuya is really smart. So it's will not be a big surprise that she can make the entrance's exam.
I really hope to see your nexts chapters, To see this academy and the other students as well! I know it's pretty hard to continue a fiction, but with that chapter i hoped that you find a new strength to write until the end of your story this time.
In all the case i will follow your efforts (and story XD).
Hope for the next chapter?
(french. lot of mistake in langage. sorry)