Reviews for A Tale of Two Guilds
MyDearWatson chapter 16 . 4/11/2016
Hmm, I thought I had reviewed this chapter. Whoops!

But all the fights were great! We got to see Sahaj fight and that was amazing even with her still not fully recovered from the accident. So I was happy to see her win her fight. And then Artur's fight was probably my favorite. Undine's Magic was really interesting to see too. But Artur still won! CHA! And well...Isaac was bound to lose when he was up against a girl. Still really funny though.

So great chapter. And looking forward to the next one!
Raiyane chapter 16 . 2/10/2016
Weeee! I'm caught up finally! I enjoyed a lot of these fights, but I think my favorite so far has to be Artur be Undine. Such a cool fight. I love the mix of magic that you have here. I like Reno as a character a lot as well. And the fight at the end... I don't know what I was expecting from Isaac.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed this so far!
LexGem chapter 16 . 1/18/2016
And after 84 years, I finally found the time read this chapter! I enjoyed all of the fights and I look forward to what comes next! Also, I should have a few villains sent in within the next week or so! Now I'm off to read your new story! Stay thirsty my friends!
Raiyane chapter 11 . 1/13/2016
Finished reading over the intro arc~
I really like lots of the plots that were hinted at, but I think the use of ghouls was amazing. I'm really looking forward ton the expansion on that, as well as the Summer Fighting festival. I'll try to get caught up the rest of the way later in the week. :)

I loved Tobe and Emilia a lot. I also loved the scene with Miki and Shadin. I really enjoyed the intro arc overall. :)
potentialauthor18 chapter 16 . 1/10/2016
I had been wondering about Sahaj's magic and was surprised to see that it was Take Over...and even the kind it is was unexpected. I guess technically plants are alive but wow that's original. Reno tried his best but he was up against an S-Class mage so I can't say the the outcome was too surprising. Perhaps a little doubt, what with her condition and all.
Undine's Memory magic was interesting(although that brand of magic always confused me as to what was actually going on) but it seems the Artur was just too strong! He just kind of bull headed his way through her magic and I liked how he won the match with a one liner and a headbutt, good show!
The battle between Ruby and Issac was pretty much what I was expecting from him, including his loss. Poor guy, but in all seriousness, having your arms dislocated is far less dangerous than if she'd broken them. So while I'm sure that hurt, coulda been worse!
As for Star Wars...ahahaha, that is my anti-drug. Loved the movie, love the game. Stormtrooper at heart; can't hit shit but I'll try mah hardest.
SmilingPrince chapter 16 . 1/2/2016
Awesome chapter and i loved the fight the scenes each one was quite unique that made them awesome in there own way. Well lets start of with the figh between Reno and Sahaj it was quite a nice fight although im curious to know why Sahaj treats kitsune garden mages that way is it just her strong rivalry towards them or did kitsune mage do something to her. Than we have the fight with Artur and Undine another interesting fight were Artur showed his strength and resolve to win and to become stronger. And finally i want to say my favorite fight scene Isaac vs Ruby not sure if it was because a fight of take over mages or because even isaac a pervert stayed as a pervert even in a battle. And poor guy getting his arm pop out of it's shoulder well i guess he could have left the last comment to himself
StormRider2.0 chapter 16 . 12/29/2015
I think the plant soul may be my favorite of the original magics so far, I mean that's some great out of the box thinking.

With the score tied lets hope that Ursine Rampart can pull ahead.

And as for Isaac, yeah... he kinda deserved that.
Gashadokuro Amanojaku chapter 16 . 12/29/2015
Wow, three Take Over’s in a single day. I especially love the Plant version. Not to mention the Arc of Memory.
And even though Sahaj is still not back to her old form, she’s still strong. It’s no wonder she doesn’t like to be belittled.
Issac seems not to care about the fight, at all. And I doubt the punishment he received will change any of his personality.
GhostOfOnyx chapter 16 . 12/27/2015
Glad to see your back buddy! Boy did you really make it strong too.

It was really interesting to see Sahaj make a successful comeback to being a wizard and I really hope to see more of her in the future. Poor Reno though jeez D:.

Also great job on Undine vs Artur! Undine's Magic was sooooo cool! I honestly didn't have a clue as who would win in the beginning. The action scenes were paced really well and the area descriptions were awesome. Lowkey kinda glad Artur ended up on top because his morale seemed pretty low, at least about himsel. Couldn't imagine what that loss would've done to him.

Oh jeez and don't even get me started on poor Isaac ;~;. Alls he wanted to do was touch some boobs. RIP Isaac's arm.

Star Wars was awesome btw! I know very well the events that transpired in that film and I could understand the necessary wall gazingness that needed to come afterwards.

Well glad to see you're back my friend! Have a happy new year and a late holidays/Christmas to you too!

Also, I made some new stuff for Aestas so I'll try to get it to you! We'll eventually xD.
FrozenBlast13 chapter 16 . 12/27/2015
Great Chapter. I kinda surprised that Reno made it up on the poll, considering how brief his intro was, but I'm glad to see him fight, even though he lost. Artur healing magic seems like it could take down anyone with no trouble. Blood Red Animal seems like a perfect name for Ruby. Anyway Great Chapter
Origm2012 chapter 16 . 12/24/2015
This was great to see. I really liked the match up you chose. I've been wanting to see Sahaj fight and learn more about her and Reno, who apparently is newer to town seems like a good opponent. It showed a side of Sahaj that I wasn't expecting and the fight even showcased how unfit for combat she really is.

I'm curious. Do you prefer writing fights or straight dialogue?

I look forward to learning more about Artur in the coming chapters because that quick speech he gave seemed so strange for a response to Undine's comment. It was still a good fight though.

I really enjoyed the chapter. Great job and I can't wait for the next one.
Princessatj chapter 16 . 12/24/2015
Wow Ruby...I can see where she gets the name from. Artur's battle was AWESOME! From start to finish I loved it! And Reno's fight was kinda a surprise in my opinion actually. I didn't expect Sahaj to still be injured and want to fight, but her determination was remarkable.

Those fights were off the charts and I loved every moment! :)
Meteorthunder3 chapter 16 . 12/24/2015
Thanks for the holidays gift. Yeah I also saw the Star Wars movie. It was pretty cool, though I wish they didn't kill a certain character.

Anyways, the battles were short but pretty interesting so far especially since it's just the beginning. You certainly have a very varied set of mages with different powers. With that said you're doing a pretty good job at making a cohesive story out of them.

Well once again thanks for the update.
SaiyanIncubus chapter 16 . 12/24/2015
Aww...poor and fight another day fellow pervert...

Well anyways, sweet job with the chapter. I really loved all the takeover mages. As a matter of fact, I'm working on one right now XD. I also loved the nicknames in each chapter, they were really thought out.


Merry Christmas and Happy Halloween
- The Lovable Krampus
WaterDragonMaverick chapter 16 . 12/24/2015
Merry Christmas! This was a great chapter! So many fun fights and interesting magic styles. Let's see more chapters when you can get to them, Dread!
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