Reviews for Sacrifice
nickolefox chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
Very intense. Would love to read more.
Vigiiiesssh chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Continue ! )
TalaynaK12 chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
Rain Addict CM chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
I like this. It's one of my favorites so far if I have to believe the lies the show is trying to pass as the ending of the last episode. After all Anya is not dead, and Lexa didn't betray Clarke.
But if I was to believe the episode I really like this idea. If you decide to add more to this I would definitely read it.
BSwifty1997 chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
Wow I can't wait to read more :) awesome
Kenmura chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
ah..wouldn't be nice if this is what happened in the episode...thank you for a brief Clexa happiness..very well written
arshuk chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Wow. Really well portrayed emotions of lexa. Loved it.
alinaed chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Oh yes continue!:)
Avarenda chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
hypnos7131 chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Thank you. U have saved the series. That was so messed up what they did with clark and lexa in the series.
April Roars chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
I like your story...

Episode 15 doesn't exclude the grounders from aiding the sky people in the future. Personally I found episode 15 so confusing that I can only assume that Lexa has motives that extend beyond my comprehension.

Her decision to walk away with the grounder army doesn't seem like something she would be able to do within the boundaries of grounder culture that we've seen so far. No "blood for blood"? No loyalty to your word? No camaraderie on the brink of battle? Sure, the sky people aren't the most popular bunch due to previous fights, tragedies and involuntary invasion of territory... But the wounds dealt to the grounders by Mount Weather sinks so deeply, that walking away when you have a chance to remove the threat? I can see Lexa's decision threaten her position as commander. They got their people out of Mount Weather, so there was something gained. But her honor, and the grounders honor, took a serious blow.

Their treachery will lose them Ark technology... Which will lose them a more stable environment to help reapers back to good health. Lexa will lose Clarke... Which I am sure she can handle. She seems to be willing to give whatever she can for her people by allying with the ice nation after Costia.

But the gain? They will gain an even more determined enemy. The mountain men. After draining the sky people dry and drilling them into looking like Swiss cheese... Where will the mountain men go other than outside and into grounder territory? They gain an enemy that can see their every move and have far superior weaponry, even missiles. People hungry to claim the ground around them.

Lexa's behavior showed lack of honor and lack of foresight... Which is the opposite of the shows previous portrayal.

Lexa basically took her sword to Clarke's leg, like she did Quint, and left her to fend for herself. Left crippled in front of an enemy promising torture and death, like Costia endured.

I find all this unlikely. Because I believe Lexa has honor and loyalty, and will show that in episode 16. If the writers of the show don't redeem Lexa's actions, basically cutting the character out with a short sighted plot twist thrill... Then I can only look to the fanfiction community, someone like you, to help make it right.

I hope you continue your story...
Guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
loved it!
Orionslave chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Amazing work with 1st person view...i hope you continue this! Good job!
harukais chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
good fic
damnlexa chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Amazing. "You have finally ruined her" seriously killed me. The fact that Lexa could have lived with never having Clarke's heart, that she would have sacrificed that, but she could not live with her death. Woa, this is amazing. I would love for you to continue on this.
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