Reviews for Vows
morsmordre99 chapter 9 . 4/8/2019
ok... no way we're the weasleys that poor
Tonirae chapter 22 . 10/2/2018
This story is's taking me longer to find words than it did to read this lastchapter. Powerful. Good. Healing. Thank you
tetiana.nakonechna chapter 22 . 8/11/2018
wonderful story! thank you. it is one of the rear stories that you wish to forget just to be able to read it again as if it was a first time.I liked that you did not stop on rescuing Molly, but researched further and so showed us the recovery as well.
thank you!
Guest chapter 22 . 7/2/2016
You wrote a great mystery. I really loved seeing Hermione in action the last few chapters. I also liked how Arthur and Molly together was like bookends on the story.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/2/2016
Ok I'm really not a fan of Robards wow he's just getting worse
dreamflower02 chapter 22 . 5/27/2016
A wonderful story, difficult to read at times, but very much worth the time and effort. I love your portrayal of the Weasleys as a strong, tightly knit family. They are not without their flaws (I especially liked the very human flaws you gave to Charlie and George.

I also love the way you showed how Ron and Hermione were able to weather the storms in their marriage, neither of them giving an inch when they believed they were right, yet never wavering in their underlying love for one another or the rest of the family.

I also liked the fact that you continued the story: it would have been so easy to stop after the rescue, but you soldered on through the messy aftermath all the way to a conclusion.

Thank you for sharing this great story!
Slaidback chapter 22 . 3/22/2016
Brilliant story! Very good read. Keep up the good work.
Alisha chapter 22 . 3/21/2016
One of the most original and interesting fanfics I've ever read
Alisha chapter 20 . 3/21/2016
Possibly the best married couple ever. I can't believe how much Arthur loves Molly. You see and read about a woman giving her all and a man being her world but not the opposite. It's refreshing. It inspires me to read more Molly and Arthur
TheDrabbleOfBlue chapter 22 . 10/1/2015
What can I say more... Simply well written and logical, tying itself up in canon for the most part.

MotherNight chapter 21 . 8/29/2015
I hope you'll consider writing another law and order style story. It was enthralling.
avid reader chapter 22 . 8/20/2015
My only complaint is that it's over. WOW! what an ending. I love the way all your stories are woven together and yet can stand alone.
peggy77 chapter 22 . 8/20/2015
Very good story, I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing it with everyone.
ladyoftheknightley chapter 22 . 8/18/2015
This was such a fitting end to the story! I absolutely loved how much this chapter was Hermione’s time to shine, and that Lestrange was put away for good because of her work. Exactly how that was executed, with Director Sutcliffe’s “help” was very clever—I love how that worked with what we know of the Pureblood-controlled Ministry, but also fits into the wider canon and gives the reader a reason about why she moved departments. It did strike me as ironic that the only charge she couldn’t get him on was the House Elves one, though!

Lestrange’s total lack of remorse was incredibly chilling to read. Even more so was the non-verbal agreement of certain people on the wizengamot, especially all the bribing and threatening. Loved the “cameo” of the fic about Ron’s attempted kidnapping and its repercussions, and I’m really intrigued to read Hermione’s attack in the library. (Forgive me if you’ve already posted it and I haven’t spotted it, but I’m guessing this is one of the outtakes that’s coming?) Most of all though I loved Molly’s strength to face Lestrange as he was taken away, and the ending, which was just lovely. It was well-balanced enough to show that recovery is not an instant thing, but also did give Molly and Arthur their happy ending, and as the story opened with them, it was such lovely closure.

Now that the story itself is finished, I’d like to offer a bit more criticism (can be hard to do on a chapter-by-chapter basis). I thought the pacing overall was excellent, it would have been very easy for certain parts to drag or seem rushed but I never felt that was the case here. However, I would maybe have considered having a few more hints and/or a quicker reveal of who the kidnapper was in the earlier chapters. I do understand why you kept this from the reader at first, as it definitely helped with the building of tension etc, but as there were still many obstacles for Our Intrepid Heroes to overcome when they were actually getting to Molly (such as getting through the blood wards), I think this would have been enough to keep the tension high.

As I have said throughout, one of my favourite things about this story has been how everyone has their own (canonical! Thank you!) strengths and weaknesses, but how each of their strengths add something to the rescue mission and/or Molly’s recovery. Not only have these been different, which adds something to the story from variety alone, it was especially nice to read how something like Hermione’s strengths as a lawyer were so important in this last chapter, but also proved to be her weakness in earlier chapters, when she was fighting the Aurors on their use of House Elves. And, of course, I loved the feminist element of the story, too! You know how much I love Fleur so it goes without saying that I really liked how her magical/medical knowledge was the thing that saved Molly (and of course its execution with the other girls). However, I did feel that it would have added a little more tension if this had perhaps come up maybe one chapter earlier, perhaps if she had thought about it but not considered it (yet) worth risking—until things got tougher in the later chapter, or even if she explained how it could work to Ginny and Hermione, but they had had maybe a chapter to consider if they thought it was worth the risk, instead of this all coming in one chapter. As I said at the time, it was an incredibly clever idea and very well-written/executed. But it may have been nice to spread it out a little more, just for that little extra “dramatic effect”.

Finally, I really loved, as I have said throughout, the multitude of POVs here. Sometimes that can “overcrowd” a story or make it unclear who is thinking now, but I never felt that here. The only thing I would maybe have considered doing differently it to have Ginny coming in slightly sooner—not in terms of her actual actions, which you know I loved, and couldn’t have come sooner in the storyline. But it might have been nice to just see a few glimpses here and there of “here is Ginny on tour as normal in SA, doing everyday things, maybe thinking about how she’s just got married” and potentially seen George and Angelina informing her about the events. That sort of contrast with “hey isn’t everything great!” and what’s actually going on with Molly might have also served to heighten some of the tension for the reader.

Having said all that, if it wasn’t clear from my reviews overall, I really did love this story, and I appreciate all the effort you put into it, not just the writing but the plotting and planning too—from a reader’s perspective, it really paid off with all the twists and turns and overall the ending was incredibly satisfying and realistic, too. I’m not sure how useful those criticisms will be for future writing, because they are all very particular to this story, and of course it absolutely worked as it was. I did try to come up with more generically useful critique, but as I say, things like the pacing that relate to the actual storytelling I couldn’t find fault with. Thank you so much for sharing this fic with us—I look forward to going back and re-reading it again now it’s fully complete sometime (hopefully!) soon, and of course all the outtakes and whatever you write next!

PS—loved the archivist’s cameo!
chemrunner57 chapter 22 . 8/18/2015
Great story... loved Hermione, you captured her character so well.
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