Reviews for Avatar: The Legend of Mako
GiganticMushroom chapter 35 . 7/10
First of all, I hope you are doing well. Second, can we have an update pretty please? You don't know how many times I have reread this story from the beginning to the end.
Theflyinghans chapter 35 . 6/18
I hope you are doing okay with all the stuff that is going on in the world. I just wanted you to know that I will wait your returns with patience
Alex Nymph chapter 26 . 4/5
Asami needs to fail and die. I don’t care about what happens to Korra.
Alex Nymph chapter 10 . 4/5
Asami did not get nearly enough hate for what she did. She’s supposed to be smart, she should be punished because it is still unknown to what the actual purpose of the machine was!
GJH 28 chapter 35 . 2/25
Update please
Lauta Romero chapter 1 . 1/1
This fanfic is simply wonderful. Excellent writing, characters well treated and developed in depth and a well crafted plot.

Mako is my second favorite character in this series (Jinora is in first place and Bolin is in third). I love that you gave him all this prominence. All the problems he tries and seeks to solve are entertaining: his hatred of Korra and Asami, his resentment of Republic City, his problem with Lin, his discussion with Vaatu, etc.

Even with all his hatred, Mako doesn't show evil, he just shows hate. Threatening Vaatu himself just to protect those he loves shows that he is not bad, he only has a lot of accumulated anger that he wants to release.

The other characters are also very well treated and have their own very entertaining sub-plots:
-Bolin and Opal go looking for Mako, but above all, Kuvira.
-Tenzin, Lin, Pema and Izumi try to stop Raiko.
-Ikki is a very good company for Mako and Kuvira. She is there to show the best of the duo.
-Jinora looks for them everywhere and knows important people of the place like Iroh, but what I liked most was his long and intense talk with Koh, who is a very wasted character.
-Zaheer really has a hard time moving on with Shen bothering him and Wan Shi Tong being impatient, but he remains calm.
-Korra is the only one who really saw what kind of problem Mako has. She will endeavor to fix things with him.
-Asami is being hated for her lack of hope and her attempt to convince everyone that Mako no longer exists. I dislike her for that, but I understand that her fear is blinding her common sense.

Kuvira has a very important role being Mako's partner here. Both achieve a great chemistry, which improves a lot by adding Ikki to the formula.

I hope the story continues. I really managed to steal all my attention. This story is simply perfect. Without a doubt, I can see this fanfic as a Book 5. This is my favorite story of The Legend of Korra.
lelcar chapter 35 . 12/22/2019
Wan Shi Tong pissses me to not end.
He loves to prattle about how humans are cruel, destructive, evil and smelly...but he never acknowledge his library is filled with human knowledge.
Has he, the so called Great Spirit of Knowledge, accomplished any scientific breakdown or piece of art? Of course not. Spirits don't have physical needs like humans do, neither they have to adapt to a constantly changing hostile environment without natural weapons. They don't have to grow, so they mever learn.
No wonder Shi's other form is a dragon. An arrogant, petty, ungrateful, GREEDY dragon.
sadistic lunatic chapter 35 . 11/14/2019
Loving this! I've always felt Mako got the raw end of the Team Avatar shenanigans, and I'm happy a story like this exists. I also didn't realize how much I needed Mako/Kuvira in my life haha
Guest chapter 35 . 7/26/2019
So good! Please continue
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
Wow this is so good!
genaralraam chapter 35 . 7/22/2019
So good to see this gem updated I almost gave up on you but great chapter looking forward to the next one.
chasingthechasechaser chapter 35 . 7/21/2019
Glad to see this story has been updated and definitely worth the wait. :D
Convict626 chapter 35 . 7/18/2019
Your back! I'm so happy! I hope things have been okay for you, I've been hoping you'd find your way back into this story again, I've really missed it!
For being away, you definitely haven't lost your touch, this chapter flows really well. All I can say is I'm eager for more!
loyal yakul chapter 35 . 7/17/2019
So glad you decided to continue the story. Curious to know what Ikki and Kuvira saw in the Dark Avatar's eyes. Anticipating the next chapter.
Guest chapter 35 . 7/17/2019
You beautiful bastard thank you for the update
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